Living the Organic Life

Megan Schossow and Carol Peterson presented at one of the Roundtable sessions at the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) conference. …

Farm Safety Check: Skid Steer Safety

Skid steers are a common and critical piece of equipment on the farm. With moving buckets, blind spots, and varying center of balance, these machines can be dangerous to operators and bystanders despite the productivity benefits. While they pose hazards like pinch points, runovers, and entrapment, safe operation is possible. …

The ‘R’ Word

Carol Peterson and Meg Moynihan (MDA) attended the Ag Resiliency Series session in Mankato, MN on February 15. The series featured Dr. Amit Sood, MD, creator of the Mayo Clinic Resilient Mind program. …

CHS Funding for Farmer Health and Well-being

Farmers and ranchers are often at the mercy of factors beyond their control — and that unpredictability can take a toll. CHS is undertaking a special funding opportunity to support organizations helping farmers and ranchers navigate the uncertainties and stresses of ag production in challenging weather and economic situations.

Application deadline is July 8, 2019.

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Agritourism Survey at the MN State Fair

UMASH was one of many studies in the University of Minnesota’s Driven to Discover Research Building activities during the 12 days of the 2016 Minnesota State Fair. Being at the Fair gave UMASH access to a large pool of volunteer participants for their study “Agritourism: the Next Frontier in Agriculture.” …

This Little (farm safety) Light of Mine

The fourth annual Women in Ag Network conference was held February 13, 2019 in Willmar MN. This conference is sponsored by Extension and is an opportunity to connect with women farmers, educators, bankers, businesses, nonprofits and others for the purpose of supporting women in agriculture. …