AUGUST 2021 With MN Farmfest 2021 back in person, the UMASH team set out on the road to Redwood County to provide up-to-date safety and health information
UMASH Wellness Pavilion
Living Healthy, Farming Safely
Minnesota Farmfest 2022
Redwood County, MN
August 2-4, 2022
Agriculture ranks among the most hazardous industries, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Farmers, farm workers, and farm families are at very high risk for fatal and nonfatal injuries.
The UMASH Wellness Pavilion is a fun and engaging way to get the attendees of Minnesota Farmfest excited about Living Healthy, Farming Safely. UMASH brings health and safety partners together to promote safety, health, and injury prevention with safety and health resources for farmers, farmworkers, and families.
- Tractor rollover demonstration showcasing the use of a roll bar/seat belt and injury prevention
- Youth UTV and ATV on a tilt table for attendees to learn and apply skills and use recommended PPE
- Critical grain site safety demonstrations on the dangers of engulfment and rescue procedures
- Confined space entry for manure pit entry for pumping companies, farm operators and workers, and agriculture business owners. Includes entry and lock-out tag-out procedure.
- Dozens of exhibitors and experts, including an AgriSafe nurse, sharing personal protective equipment giveaways, resources on respiratory protection, grain bin safety, mental health, ATV and UTV, youth farm safety, and more, all to help you farm safely.
We want you to be safe, healthy, and injury-free.

Reaching Across Regions at MN Farmfest
Staying Safe and Staying in Business: a Farmfest Panel
AUGUST 2020 “We’ve transitioned the event online” seems to be the norm for the time being. This year, Minnesota Farmfest moved their programming
SPOTLIGHT: Allow Me To Demonstrate
JULY 2020 Demonstrations can be an effective method of both teaching and learning. In addition to reading and hearing information, seeing and practicing
Under the Roof at Farmfest
The UMASH staff hit the road and got their boots on the ground in Redwood County, MN, for Farmfest 2019, which attracts over 30,000 people every year.
UMASH Brings Health and Safety to Farmfest
A new Wellness and Safety Pavilion brought health, safety and wellness resources and activities to attendees at Minnesota Farmfest, August 6-8, 2019. Co-sponsored
SPOTLIGHT: One Stop Shop for Wellness and Safety at Minnesota Farmfest
AUGUST 2019 Being efficient is key to getting jobs done on the farm. Farm Bureau Financial Services and UMASH understand this need and encourage farmers
SPOTLIGHT: The Multiplier Effect – US Ag Centers at Minnesota Farmfest
JULY 2019 The term “multiplier effect” is a term you may be familiar with and one commonly used in the world of economics. UMASH and our neighboring U.S.
SPOTLIGHT: In the Interest of Safety
The phrase, “in a split second” is used frequently to describe all types of situations that happen quickly and without time to react, many of which can be
SPOTLIGHT: Live and Up Close – Farm Safety and Rescue Demonstrations at Minnesota Farmfest
JULY 2019 Seeing something live for the first time can have a big impact. Whether it is a positive or negative occurrence, being present can make
SPOTLIGHT: Take time for a Wellness Check at Farmfest
Minnesota Farmfest is offering a convenient way to get a free health screening during the show August 6 – 8, 2019. The screenings are part of a larger