SPOTLIGHT: The Multiplier Effect – US Ag Centers at Minnesota Farmfest

SPOTLIGHT: The Multiplier Effect – US Ag Centers at Minnesota Farmfest

JULY 2019

The term “multiplier effect” is a term you may be familiar with and one commonly used in the world of economics. 

UMASH and our neighboring U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers  also apply the multiplier effect in the world of safety and health as it relates to reaching farmers, farm families and workers.

UMASH and our colleagues from the  Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health (GP-CAH) and the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety  at the National Farm Medicine Center (NFMC) and the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH) work closely together to bring agricultural safety and health information and resources to the Upper Midwest.  While each center is unique in their specific resources, we work as a team to reach attendees with the most up to date information to prevent injuries and put safety first.

Our three centers will be on hand at Farmfest 2019 in the Farm Bureau Financial Services Wellness and Safety Pavilion to offer resources, suggestions and information on protecting farmers and their farms from costly injuries.

By combining our efforts efforts in research, education and prevention we can offer you “multiple” ways to stay safe and healthy on the farm.  Visit us at Farmfest along with the many other exhibitors for information on wellness, safety and health.  

National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health 

Cultivate Safety is home to resources for youth living and working on farms.  Keeping kids safe on the farm is their mission. Learn about resources to help you:

  • Identify and create safe play areasfarm-safety-check-keeping-children-safe-2019
  • Learn about guidelines for youth working on farms
  • Find out the Do’s and Don’t of Agritourism – make sure your visitors and workers are safe.

Play Farm Safety Jeopardy and try matching youth with the appropriate tasks.  Step up to the big video screen and learn which tasks youth can be doing on your farm.

Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health

Research has shown proper vehicle markings are an important part of roadway safety. 

  • Learn the latest recommendations for the lighting and marking of your farm vehicles
  • Watch our videos and test your knowledge of proper marking and lighting
  • Understand the impact of vibration your body is exposed to while on the road and in the fields

Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health 

CS-CASH takes a lead role in promoting safety when operating ATVs.  The ATV Simulator demonstration is courtesy of CS-CASH. They encourage farmers, farm workers and youth to learn more about the proper use of this piece of equipment including:

  • Proper protective equipment (i.e. helmets, long pants, gloves, goggles)
  • A proper hands-on training course
  • Use only on off road surfaces – ATVs are not meant for paved roads

Learn more about ATV safety by watching a live demonstration and talking to exhibitors in the Wellness and Safety Pavilion for more information.

Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center

UMASH invites you to learn more about teaching safety in the classroom.  We have resources for teachers, children and parents to learn how to be safe on the farm.  Stop by to see our resources on this and more:

  • Safety and health resources for the classroom with ideas for student projects/papers
  • Signs and Symptoms of Stress and what you can do
  • Farm Safety Check – a monthly checklist on farm topics to put safety on your to do list.

Spin the farm safety and health wheel and win a prize. Have fun while learning about how you can prevent injuries and illness

RF-DASH (Rural Firefighters Delivering Agriculture Safety and Health)

Rural firefighters play an important role when responding to on farm emergencies.  The RF-DASH program can help farmers prepare with free online tools.

SaferFarm.org is a hazard analysis tool of farm elements that pose a risk for injury.

NFMCFarmMapper.com is a tool to preplan farms to expedite response, limit damage in the event of a fire, and keep first responders safe in when responding to a farm emergency.

Visit the Wellness and Safety Pavilion at Farmfest 2019 to learn more about the RF-DASH program and gather more health and safety information from the exhibitors.