Protecting People in Agriculture – ISASH 2019

Protecting People in Agriculture is the motto for ISASH – the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health           The annual meeting is one UMASH regularly attends as it offers opportunities to learn about recent research, outreach and to network with other agriculture health and safety professionals. Diane …

Farm Safety Check: Hay and Silage Harvest

Warm weather means hay and silage season for many farms. Moving parts, dusts, long days, and roadway hazards are a few of the ways haying and silage harvest can become dangerous. Prevent a serious illness, injury, or delay that could result from skipping on safety by checking in with the harvest team this month. …

Associate Research Scientist

National Farm Medicine Center
Marshfield Clinic Research Institute

The Associate Research Scientist maintains and conducts a high quality research program to achieve the organizational goals and results within the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute (MCRI). The research activities are determined by the National Farm Medicine Center (NFMC) Center Director and there may be opportunities to participate in and receive some funding from existing funded research projects.

The scientist in this tenure track position will conduct independent, original, applied (translational) research in agricultural safety and health; publish peer-reviewed manuscripts; secure extramural funding; and collaborate with NFMC and MCRI scientists, clinician investigators, and external scientists. This individual is expected to be involved in national and international scientific endeavors, including peer-review mechanisms, and presentations at professional conferences. Options to participate in leadership roles within the NFMC and/or the NIOSH-funded National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety are available.

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Research Specialist

National Farm Medicine Center
Marshfield Clinic Research Institute

The Research Specialist will assist in the development and coordination of research efforts focused on rural and agricultural health informatics, child agricultural injury prevention, and agricultural safety and health. Many of these assignments will have an emphasis on quantitative and qualitative data collection, translational efforts, data management, and research logistics. This individual will collaborate with other Center staff on projects as assigned and be responsible for assistance with analysis of research data and communication of research results.

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Assistant/Associate Professor of Agricultural & Industrial Safety & Health

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES)

This position is a 9-month, tenure-track appointment with approximately 50% extension and 50% teaching and applied research responsibilities. The successful candidate will provide leadership in the area of agricultural and industrial occupational safety and health, with emphasis on eliminating safety hazards, reducing injuries and fatalities, and improving worker health across the spectrum of production agriculture.

Closing date: August 1, 2019

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Cows Don’t Take Time Off

There is no doubt, owning and operating a dairy farm is a full time job.  The beginning of June kicks off two popular events National Dairy Month and the Stearns County Breakfast on the Farm, which highlights the work that dairy farmers do everyday for consumers here and abroad. UMASH was part of this event for the second year, where guests can visit a working dairy farm, enjoy a hearty breakfast and have fun while learning more about the dairy industry. Breakfast on the Farm is a great example of agritourism, where people not familiar with farming are exposed to the inner workings of this industry and agriculture overall. …

Farm Safety Check: Tick-borne Disease

Tick-borne disease is a serious health-concern across the Upper Midwest, particularly for anyone working outdoors. Farmers might be more likely to walk through tall grass, thick brush, and wooded areas that ticks thrive in. Taking precautionary and preventive steps during tick season can help you avoid tick-borne diseases, but knowing signs and symptoms is important as well. …