SPOTLIGHT: Are you and your farm winter ready?

Winter is coming, and so is the snow, ice, and freezing temperatures. Farming is a dangerous occupation year-round, but winter extremes can surely complicate safety and health in agriculture. There is an increased risk of injury during severe weather, often related to slips, trips, and falls. Be winter ready by preparing and planning for safety. …

SPOTLIGHT: Winter is coming… prevent slips, trips, and falls

Falls threaten older adults’ safety and independence and generate enormous economic and personal costs. With winter snow and ice on the horizon, it is an excellent time to review why falls happen in older adults and what prevention methods to consider. The National Institute on Aging shares many reasons that older adults experience falls and Jane Strommen, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Gerontology Specialist, offers six easy steps to help you reduce your risk. …

SPOTLIGHT: Celebrating National Rural Health Day in the Classroom

National Rural Health Day is November 17, 2022 - a one-day event focusing attention on the “power of rural.” The Upper Midwest is home to agriculture and rural communities in Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Youth are a large part of rural America and National Rural Health Day is an opportunity for young people to showcase the benefits of living and learning in the rural United States. To promote National Rural Health Day, UMASH has compiled ideas for engaging students on November 17, 2022, or anytime farm safety and health activities can be used in the classroom. …

SPOTLIGHT: Protect Your Back: Ergonomic Strategies for Preventing Pain while Farming

Farmers can experience musculoskeletal disorders, injuries, and pain symptoms, especially in the lower back region, due to the physical demands of their job and limited access to resources in rural areas. This summer, we hosted Justine Bauer, an Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program student at the University of Minnesota, as she completed her capstone project: an “Ergonomic Program for Crop Production Farmers Operating in Rural Communities in the Midwest.” …

SPOTLIGHT: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

We all make many decisions every day. Some decisions are automatic and easy; other times decisions can be painstakingly difficult. The Migrant Clinician’s Network recently featured an article on this topic. “Decision Fatigue, and Tips on Making Consequential Decisions”. This resource for health care workers is intended to assist staff make sound decisions for their patients and the workplace. Check out UMASH safety and health resources for combatting decision fatigue as you work on the farm. …

SPOTLIGHT: Re-imagining a Safe and Healthy Future for Agriculture at the 2022 Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health (MRASH) Conference

This year, the Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health (MRASH) Conference focuses on the future as farmers emerge into a changing world affected by supply chain and worker shortages, and ongoing changes in the climate, the economy, and technology. The hybrid conference, featuring a keynote presentation by Matt Russell, State Executive Director of the USDA Farm Service Agency, will take place at the Hotel at Kirkwood Center in Cedar Rapids, November 16 -17. …

SPOTLIGHT: Indigenous Peoples’ Day

OCTOBER 2022 On the second Monday of October, we recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Many people are taught the story of Christopher Columbus “sailing the ocean blue in 1492” and discovering the “New World.” While it made for a catchy rhyme, this story erases the land’s true history – that indigenous people lived, farmed, and were …

SPOTLIGHT: Is it just a “senior moment”?

SEPTEMBER 2022 According to the most recent 2017 census, the average age of farmers is estimated to be 57.5 years old – continuing a long-term trend for overall aging in the United States. Aging leads to a gradual decrease in physical and mental capacity, and there is a growing risk of developing age-related diseases or conditions. One of many …