
SPOTLIGHT: Agricultural Safety is a “Team Sport”

FEBRUARY 2020 Jeff Bender, DVM, MS Director, Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center Farming is dangerous work and farm workers are at high risk of personal injury. Agricultural workers are eight times more likely to die on the job than other workers. 1 Worker injuries on dairy farms are related to animal handling with cattle, often resulting …

SPOTLIGHT: 10th Annual AgMed Course

The Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH) is proud to announce the 10th anniversary of the Center’s annual Agricultural Health and Safety Course. Designed to examine critical health and safety issues specific to rural and agricultural workers, this course brings together content experts to present materials relevant to those working in health care, public health, education, and safety professions. …

SPOTLIGHT: Michael Pate and Agricultural Safety Education Initiative

JANUARY 2020 Growing up in rural America, agriculture classes and FFA are two avenues that many youth choose to participate in, particularly if they are planning a career in agriculture. UMASH understands the need for a well prepared workforce and one that practices safety and health. Dr. Michael Pate, a colleague from Utah State University and part …

SPOTLIGHT: Produce Safety

JANUARY 2020 Alexandra Cortes, Outreach staff Produce Safety Program, Minnesota Department of Agriculture What comes to mind when you think about the risks in a farm environment? It might be physical hazards such as those associated with certain equipment and tools. What about biological hazards such as E. coli, Salmonella, or Listeria, which can be …

SPOTLIGHT: The Opioid Crisis – Where Can You Turn for Help?

DECEMBER 2019 Opioid dependency has been and continues to be a problem for many and it does not discriminate. Rural America is not immune to the problems opioids create particularly in the agricultural community. Farming is one of the most dangerous occupations in the country and with that can come the potential for misuse and addiction. Fortunately …

SPOTLIGHT: To Be Safe, You Have to Know How: OSHA QuickCards

DECEMBER 2019 Safety is a big issue on the farm, but with busy days and potential language barriers, how do you discuss farm safety with employees? QuickCards are free laminated cards that offer quick, bulleted talking points about various safety issues. They even tell you exactly how to train workers about safe practices. There are over 50 topics, …

SPOTLIGHT: A Commitment to Farmers

NOVEMBER 2019 UMASH is invested in helping farmers through these challenging times. We join many others in this effort to offer resources to assist farmers, families, workers and rural communities to manage the physical and mental impacts of the current farm economy. As part of our commitment to this cause, we often highlight relevant initiatives and …

SPOTLIGHT: Roadmap for delivering child care in agricultural communities

NOVEMBER 2019 Sharing is caring is a well used tag line for emails and social media to “get the word out ” on important topics. UMASH often shares relevant farm safety and health information to help make our agriculture producers in the Upper Midwest safer and less prone to injuries. Roadmap for delivering child care in agricultural communities …

SPOTLIGHT: Bryan With Ag Injury News

NOVEMBER 2019 Agriculture still ranks one of the most dangerous occupations, but what does that really mean? Where are the injuries occurring? What are the type of injuries? Who is being injured – youth, adults, immigrants? How severe are the injuries? There are many factors to consider when looking at the whole picture of agricultural injuries. …