MARCH 2020

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Recent grain bin deaths have garnered national attention. OSHA officials are concerned that 2020 may be an especially bad year for grain bin deaths.
According to OSHA’s February 20th letter to Grain Bin Storage Facility Operators, there have been at least 15 grain engulfment fatalities since August. These do not include the other major hazards of grain bins: falling, dust explosions, electrocution, getting caught in an auger, or being struck by falling grain.
OSHA and the National Grain and Feed Association (NFGA) are increasing efforts to ensure that people stay safe when working around grain bins. Headed by OSHA, NFGA, and other key organizations, this year’s Grain Safety Stand-Up campaign is held the week of April 13-20.
The term stand-up refers to brief talks and trainings that farms can easily implement to improve safety and decrease agriculture-related incidents. These can be as brief as a 5 minute break to discuss the latest safety tips, such as using a buddy system, rope and harness, NIOSH approved respirators, and rescue equipment if workers have to enter a grain bin.
These safety stand-ups are especially important for small farms that rely solely on family members or hired employees. Injured farmers or workers are often unable to work, and people are the most valuable asset on the farm. Creating a culture of safety on the farm is important for the farm’s overall productivity.
- Check out this helpful video to learn how you can do a stand-up on your farm.
- Learn more about Grain Safety Stand-Up week here.
- Use this grain bin safety checklist to increase safety and health on your farm.
A Letter to Grain Storage Facility Operators
Grain bin deaths spike as farmers rush late harvest!
There have been at least 15-grain engulfment fatalities since August, compared with 27 deaths nation-wide in 2018. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), along with the National Grain and Feed Association (NFGA), and other key industry stakeholders are working together to raise awareness of OSHA resources and industry best practices to identify potential hazards at grain, feed, and processing facilities to prevent engulfment and other injuries.