SPOTLIGHT: Hello and Goodbye – Changes Coming to UMASH

This fall we are saying goodbye to Diane Kampa, UMASH Center Coordinator since our beginning in 2011, and later directing the outreach program. Diane has been with the University of Minnesota for over 40 years in the School of Public Health. …

SPOTLIGHT: MRASH 2020: Rising to New Challenges

OCTOBER 2020 Conference season for many in agriculture comes around in the late fall and winter months. Moving these connections and presentations online is the definition of “Rising to New Challenges,” which is the theme of this year’s Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Conference (MRASH), taking place November 17-20, 2020, entirely …

SPOTLIGHT: Lessons Learned – A Passion for Farm Safety and Mental Health

UMASH and Emily Krekelberg go “way back” with our mutual mission of promoting farm safety and health. Emily knows first hand the inherent dangers involved with farming with family members who were both severely injured as a result. She recently shared her personal story with the Telling the Story Project which was featured on the Minnesota Corn Growers website. …

SPOTLIGHT: Harvest Safety Tips

OCTOBER 2020 Following a series of serious farm incidents in Minnesota, AgWeek Journalist Noah Fish connected with UMASH and Extension to garner safety tips. Working together for farm safety and health is a natural fit for UMASH and Extension, and fall is a perfect time to double the effort to remind farmers, families and workers to slow down and be …

SPOTLIGHT: Farm to Table in the time of COVID

Implications for Essential Workers COVID-19 has affected all of us in some way. During this time, UMASH has been providing trusted information to farmers, families and farmworkers to stay safe and healthy. The agricultural workforce is essential and much work in fields, on farms, inside processing plants and other farm to table operations is carried …

SPOTLIGHT: Manure Safety Toolkit

As we move into fall and harvest season, much of the Upper Midwest has continued to see significant rainfall. Safety issues associated with manure storage, transportation and application, and health impacts should be brought to mind and discussed. …

SPOTLIGHT: NAMI Minnesota Partner Project Builds Community Relationships

OCTOBER 2020 In 2018, the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH) established a partner project with the NAMI Minnesota to address suicide and the need for prevention training in rural Minnesota. This successful project relied on building strong relationships both inside the community and with larger organizations including Land …

SPOTLIGHT: Check Out Our Checklist – Take 5 Minutes to Save a Life

SEPTEMBER 2020 Farming is a dangerous occupation, and many communities may be extra vulnerable to COVID-19. If you live, work, or grew up on a farm, you probably know someone who was injured or died in a farming incident. Can’t think of anyone? You’re lucky. Imagine a world where no one got hurt or died from a farming-related incident. That world …

SPOTLIGHT: 76 Years of Farm Safety and Health – National Farm Safety and Health Week

SEPTEMBER 2020 If we reflect back in history to 1944, what do we remember? Many of us weren’t around at this time, but a google search of the year tells us the United States was fighting in WWII, the Smokey the Bear mascot was created and gasoline was 21 cents a gallon. Another piece of history from 1944 was the designation of National Farm Safety …