Time does not change us. It just unfolds us.
— Max Frisch (1911 - 1991), Swiss playwright and novelist
UMASH is celebrating a milestone this year by turning ten.
As we have “unfolded” over the years we have developed relationships with our colleagues in the agricultural community. These ties have been so beneficial to us by sharing and learning from one another, all in a combined effort to improve the health and safety of the farmers, farm families and farm workers we serve.
We asked a few of our partners to share their thoughts on UMASH turning ten and reflect on how we have grown as a center. Looking from the outside in, our partners have shared their thoughts on who we were, who we are and where we are going.
For ten years, UMASH has been “promoting healthy and safe people in sustainable agriculture in the Upper Midwest” through research, community engagement and outreach, and cultivating partnerships with others in agriculture, health and safety, education, and government and community leadership. Together with our partners, we have worked to raise awareness of agricultural health and safety for farmers, farm workers, and their families, addressing a variety of existing and emerging issues.
Lesson plans, calendars, awareness events and additional resources to integrate health and safety topics into the classroom in a teacher friendly format.
Ag Educator Resources
Many farmers continue to live and work on the farm well beyond typical retirement age. How as a community can we support the health and safety of aging farmers, and farm families?
Aging on the Farm
Protecting the health and safety of farm visitors is important for both the visitors and for farms hosting these events.
Stress, suicide, and mental health conditions impact agricultural communities, where economic, social, and environmental forces challenge the health and safety of farmers.
Stress and Mental Health
Needlestick injuries in agriculture are a common and very real risk for farmers, ranchers, veterinarians and on site workers.
Needlestick Prevention
Seguridad en las lecherías provides FREE on-the-farm health and safety trainings in Spanish for dairy workers to reduce hazards and improve worker knowledge and practices.
Immigrant Dairy Worker Training
Immigrant Dairy Worker Training
UMASH participates in national, regional, and local events to increase awareness about agricultural safety and health hazards and provide resources for preventing illness and injury.
Awareness Events
UMASH engages directly with people affected by and involved in agriculture through seminars, public events, workshops, conferences, and presentations.
Community Engagement
The Cultivating Resiliency webinar series was designed to help women in these challenging times and connect them with resources to help weather stress.
Women in Agriculture
Resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine, including answers to frequently asked questions, and best practices for people living and working in agriculture.
Positive animal handling creates awareness of human/animal interactions and helps keep farmers, farm workers and the animals safe, healthy, and injury free.
Animal Handling
The UMASH Farm Safety Check is a quick review to identify and fix potential hazards before they cause harm to your family and employees and your bottom line.
Farm Safety Check