
SPOTLIGHT: Some Things Shouldn’t be Shared

FEBRUARY 2021 The concept of sharing for most of us probably goes back to childhood. Whether we learned to share with a sibling, a friend, or in school, we learned that sharing is good. As adults, the importance of sharing is always present; whether it be sharing knowledge, wealth, time or resources, the idea is that everyone benefits from sharing. …

SPOTLIGHT: Living, working on farms increases risk of gastrointestinal illness

MARCH 2020 New study reveals greater levels of infection in people working with livestock Minnesotans who live or work on a farm with livestock and poultry are 8 times more likely to be diagnosed with a gastrointestinal illness than other Minnesotans, according to recently published findings from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Upper …

Carrie Klumb Receives 2019 SPH Emerging Leader Award

  Carrie Klumb,  from the Minnesota Department of Health was recently recognized by the School of Public Health and received the 2019 Emerging Leader Award.  Carrie received her Masters in Public Health in 2010 and has been a key contributor to UMASH with research, education and outreach in zoonotic disease.  Zoonotic means infectious diseases …

Zoonotic Diseases: Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

The Minnesota FFA convention was held April  28 - 30, 2019 on the University of Minnesota campus.  This April event brings over 4000 students and a sea blue coats to the Minneapolis and St. Paul campuses.  The convention is a time for state-wide meetings and for student education on various topics to enhance their experience with FFA and agriculture education. …

UMASH at the Great Minnesota Get Together

UMASH was one of many studies in the University of Minnesota’s Driven to Discover Research Building activities during the 12 days of the 2016 Minnesota State Fair. Being at the Fair gave UMASH access to a large pool of volunteer participants for their study “Agritourism: the Next Frontier in Agriculture.” The goal of the study is to understand …

UMASH at the 2016 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Conference

UMASH and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) researcher, Carrie Klumb, presented Zoonotic Disease Surveillance Among Agricultural Workers and Their Families, Minnesota, 2012-2014 on June 20, 2016 to attendees at the 2016 CSTE conference. Presentation and Slides UMASH co-authors, Joni Scheftel and Kirk Smith, also presented on other topics at the conference.

UMASH at 7th International SHARP Symposium

UMASH staff presenting in Saskatoon, SK, Canada, October 19-22, at the 7th International Symposium: Safety & Health in Agricultural & Rural Populations: Global Perspectives (SHARP) included: Carrie Klumb, Minnesota Department of Health, “Healthy Fairs Workshops: A One Health approach to improving health and safety at county fairs in Minnesota”; …

Carrie Klumb, MPH Presents Environmental Health Seminar

Carrie Klumb, MPH, Senior Epidemiologist at the Minnesota Department of Health presented a seminar “A One Health Approach to Healthy Fairs” at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health as part of the Environmental Health Seminar Series on February 13, 2014. The presentation provided an overview of the Minnesota Department of Health’s …

UMASH Presence at the Minnesota Veterinary Medicine Association (MVMA) Annual Convention

UMASH was well represented at the MVMA Convention February 7-9, 2013 in downtown Minneapolis with faculty and staff from the Surveillance for Zoonotic Diseases in Agricultural Workers in Minnesota Project including Carrie Klumb, Joni Sheftel (session speaker), Heather Fowler (session speaker), Kirk Smith, and Samantha Saunders participating. Heather …