Carrie Klumb Receives 2019 SPH Emerging Leader Award

Carrie Klumb Receives 2019 SPH Emerging Leader Award


Carrie Klumb,  from the Minnesota Department of Health was recently recognized by the School of Public Health and received the 2019 Emerging Leader Award.  Carrie received her Masters in Public Health in 2010 and has been a key contributor to UMASH with research, education and outreach in zoonotic disease.  Zoonotic means infectious diseases that are spread between animals and people.

Carrie’s work with UMASH has focused on surveillance and measuring the burden of disease with zoonotic pathogens. These findings have led to intervention and educational programs to keep farmers, farm families and their workers safe and healthy. Carrie has been a leader in developing safe agritourism educational materials to address health and safety concerns when the public visits the farm. Carrie has also partnered with Minnesota 4-H to bring her expertise to youth, drawing on methods to make the learning not only impactful but fun as well.  

Emerging leaders like Carrie demonstrate in real time the definition of public health. UMASH congratulates Carrie on her award and her commitment to public health and safety.

Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play.

American Public Health Association (APHA)