SPOTLIGHT: This Little (or Big) Piggy…Moving and Keeping Pigs and People Safe

What comes to mind when you think of pigs?  The Three Little Pigs? Miss Piggy? Piglet? Pigs are common and a popular “character” in literature and films. Real live pigs and swine operations are also common in the upper Midwest where they are raised on many farms in Minnesota, the Dakotas, Wisconsin and Iowa.  Keeping these operations and the people and pigs involved injury free and healthy is a priority for UMASH. …

SPOTLIGHT: Spreading Agricultural Safety Awareness Globally

JULY 2019 In a time of information overload, being an amplifier and champion for safety is not a small feat to accomplish. Dr. Marcos Grigioni has been able to do that. Not only does he promote occupational safety in his home country of Argentina, he has been able to travel to the United States and attend courses to further his knowledge. This persistent …

SPOTLIGHT: Take time for a Wellness Check at Farmfest

Minnesota Farmfest is offering a convenient way to get a free health screening during the show August 6 – 8, 2019. The screenings are part of a larger safety and wellness initiative at Farmfest in 2019. The Farm Bureau Financial Wellness and Safety Pavilion is a collaboration between Farm Bureau Financial Services and the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH) at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. In addition to health screenings, this new area will showcase live farm safety and rescue demonstrations and over 20 exhibitors with up to date agricultural safety and health information on a variety of topics. …

SPOTLIGHT: A Responsible Education – Agricultural Health and Safety

Agriculture teachers play a vital role in educating the agricultural workforce of tomorrow. Incorporating occupational safety and health topics into the classroom can keep the new generation of farmers, farm families, and farm workers safer and healthier. To help teachers build more agricultural safety and health into their classroom lessons, UMASH has pulled together a variety of health and safety resources that can be used for lesson planning or student projects. …

SPOTLIGHT: CDC Guidelines for Pigs and Fairs

The Center for Disease Control ( CDC) has recently released two guidelines for fair organizers and those exhibiting pigs at the fair to help all of us avoid the spread of influenza. Influenza is a zoonotic disease, which can be transmitted from people to pigs and pigs to people. Knowing the key prevention facts will help keep all fair-goers and exhibitors healthy and having fun at the fair. …