Get your Podcast Queue Ready: On air with AgCountry

SEPTEMBER 2020 Harvest is coming, get your podcast queue ready. Rural Perspectives Podcast, hosted by AgCountry Farm Credit Services, featured UMASH’s Megan Schossow to cover tips for a successful harvest this year. Rural Perspectives examines a diverse range of issues impacting agriculture and rural life, hosted in part by Adam Ulbricht who can be …

SPOTLIGHT: National Teach Ag Day 2020

SEPTEMBER 2020 The tenth annual National Teach Ag Day is on Thursday, September 17, 2020. National Teach Ag Day is designed to encourage others to teach school based agriculture and recognize the important role that agriculture teachers play in our schools and communities. UMASH and the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health …

SPOTLIGHT: Sending you a Signal

SEPTEMBER 2020 Signals can convey many messages, such as STOP on the red light, emergency or distress (SOS) signals or a thumbs up emoji signaling a job well done. Signals can also provide effective communication on the farm. When working around large equipment or machinery, verbal communication between employees often is not possible. Workers must …

Billions and Billions (of microbes)

SEPTEMBER 2020 Dr. Peter Davies, BVSc, PhD is a faculty member in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota and a principal investigator for the UMASH project: Longitudinal Study of Infectious Disease Risks at the Human Swine Interface. Dr. Davies and colleagues recently published an article in the National Hog Farmer addressing …

SPOTLIGHT: Be Safe and Smart Around Silage

Be Safe and Smart Around Silage Tracey Erickson South Dakota State University Extension August 24, 2020 As summer changes over to autumn, silage harvest is on the calendar for many dairy and livestock farmers. Farmers use corn silage as a source of nutrition for their herd as it provides a high-yielding, consistent source of forage. There are a number …

SPOTLIGHT: Extra Riders on Tractors are a High Risk for Fatality

SEPTEMBER 2020 Ever heard the phrase, “If one is good, two must be better?” Kids on and off the farm are often attracted to tractors and ask the driver to “ride along.” This may apply to many scenarios, but not so when it comes to tractors. Transportation incidents, which include tractor overturns, are the leading cause of death for farmers …

Don’t Kiss the Calves

AUGUST 2020 Dr. Jeff Bender was one of the featured speakers on the August 26, 2020 episode of The Dairy Signal™, a live streamed event hosted by the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin. The Dairy Signal™, is a free online resource providing dairy farmers insights for informed decisions. Dr. Bender discussed what types of zoonotic diseases …

SPOTLIGHT: Grain Bin Cost Share

Even though the days remain hot, humid and summerlike, fall harvest is just around the corner and many farmers are gearing up for the busy days. Grain bin safety has been the subject of much discussion during the past few years and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is leading an effort to make safety more affordable. A new cost share program …


AUGUST 2020 When the farm show ends, the reminiscing begins. The people we saw. The lessons we learned. So much to do and never enough time to do it all. But wait! You can continue experiencing the farm show. With the virtual nature of the UMASH Online Expo: A 20/20 Look at Ag Health, Safety, and Wellness, you can relive the glory days all over again. …

Staying Safe and Staying in Business: a Farmfest Panel

AUGUST 2020 “We’ve transitioned the event online” seems to be the norm for the time being. This year, Minnesota Farmfest moved their programming online. UMASH and the Minnesota Safety Council co-hosted a panel on August 4, 2020, Staying Safe and Staying in Business, to launch the three days of live programming. There are many risks on the farm- …