The ‘R’ Word

Carol Peterson and Meg Moynihan (MDA) attended the Ag Resiliency Series session in Mankato, MN on February 15. The series featured Dr. Amit Sood, MD, creator of the Mayo Clinic Resilient Mind program. …

CHS Funding for Farmer Health and Well-being

Farmers and ranchers are often at the mercy of factors beyond their control — and that unpredictability can take a toll. CHS is undertaking a special funding opportunity to support organizations helping farmers and ranchers navigate the uncertainties and stresses of ag production in challenging weather and economic situations.

Application deadline is July 8, 2019.

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Agritourism Survey at the MN State Fair

UMASH was one of many studies in the University of Minnesota’s Driven to Discover Research Building activities during the 12 days of the 2016 Minnesota State Fair. Being at the Fair gave UMASH access to a large pool of volunteer participants for their study “Agritourism: the Next Frontier in Agriculture.” …

This Little (farm safety) Light of Mine

The fourth annual Women in Ag Network conference was held February 13, 2019 in Willmar MN. This conference is sponsored by Extension and is an opportunity to connect with women farmers, educators, bankers, businesses, nonprofits and others for the purpose of supporting women in agriculture. …

HICAHS Pilot Grants Program

HICAHS is seeking proposals for awards up to $25,000 for the project period October 2019 – August 2020.

The High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (HICAHS) Pilot Grants program funds innovative research projects that promote health and safety in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industries. Extra consideration is given to projects that directly impact the HICAHS region, which includes Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.

Projects in this cycle will be funded at a level up to $25,000 (including 8% indirect costs) for a ~10 month project duration, with an estimated project start date of October 1-15, 2019. All project monies must be spent by August 15, 2020.

Application deadline is  July 31, 2019.

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UMASH Success Story: Stress and Mental Health

Stress, depression, and suicide are on the mind of agricultural communities, where economic, social, and environmental forces challenge the health and safety of farmers, agricultural workers and their families. …

UMASH Success Story: Farm Safety Check

The Farm Safety Check was launched in January 2017 to provide farmers with a simple tool to identify and fix potential hazards before they cause harm to family or employees. …

UMASH Success Story: Telling the Story Project

Telling the Story Project features real-life experiences and personal accounts of families and individuals directly affected by injuries and close calls. The purpose of the project is to raise awareness about safety, risk, and injury prevention. …

El Fondo de Nuestra Comunidad

El Fondo de Nuestra Comunidad, an affiliate of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Community Foundations, is currently seeking proposals for projects, initiatives or programs providing immigration-related legal services, outreach around legal services or programs that help people on the pathway to citizenship, civic engagement, increasing access to culturally sensitive mental health services and organizing to ensure a robust response to the 2020 census. …