SPOTLIGHT: Was that a part of the plan?

NOVEMBER 2020 As we wrap up harvest, plans are being made for 2021. While we do not hope for any disasters, now is the time to plan for one. Shay Foulk is an agronomist, agricultural business and safety consultant, and seed producer in Sparland, IL. He has worked with farmers and agri-businesses to develop and implement safety emergency response plans, …

Be Prepared

Jeff Bender, DVM UMASH Director We often “live in the moment” and sometimes forget to plan or strategize for the future. The current pandemic has reminded me of the value and need for planning and being prepared. We can’t anticipate all contingencies but if we engage others, together we can better understand the challenges and issues ahead. Now …

SPOTLIGHT: Manure Safety Toolkit

As we move into fall and harvest season, much of the Upper Midwest has continued to see significant rainfall. Safety issues associated with manure storage, transportation and application, and health impacts should be brought to mind and discussed. …

The Move to Virtual

Jeff Bender, DVM UMASH Director I’m missing seeing people in person. Yet, over the past few months, nearly all of our UMASH interactions are being handled virtually. We’ve successfully connected with our partners through a number of activities: We brought our mental health network and resources into a Public Health Institute course. Students developed …

SPOTLIGHT: Respirator Q & A Toolkit

Farmers and agricultural workers need respiratory protection for many jobs on the farm – such as working around grain, hogs, hay, or solid pesticides. …

SPOTLIGHT: Take time for a Wellness Check at Farmfest

Minnesota Farmfest is offering a convenient way to get a free health screening during the show August 6 – 8, 2019. The screenings are part of a larger safety and wellness initiative at Farmfest in 2019. The Farm Bureau Financial Wellness and Safety Pavilion is a collaboration between Farm Bureau Financial Services and the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH) at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. In addition to health screenings, this new area will showcase live farm safety and rescue demonstrations and over 20 exhibitors with up to date agricultural safety and health information on a variety of topics. …

SPOTLIGHT: A Responsible Education – Agricultural Health and Safety

Agriculture teachers play a vital role in educating the agricultural workforce of tomorrow. Incorporating occupational safety and health topics into the classroom can keep the new generation of farmers, farm families, and farm workers safer and healthier. To help teachers build more agricultural safety and health into their classroom lessons, UMASH has pulled together a variety of health and safety resources that can be used for lesson planning or student projects. …