
SPOTLIGHT: Direct to you – Safety Videos via YouTube

In the busy life of farming, it is important to reach farmers where they are with relevant safety information to protect themselves, their families and their workers. The eleven U.S. Agricultural Centers have collaborated to provide this information via YouTube. …

SPOTLIGHT: We are grateful for our partners

November is a month to reflect and be thankful. Bruce Alexander, Director of UMASH, puts into words how grateful we are as an organization to partner with exceptional collaborators such as Monica Cruz Zorrilla and the Consulate of Mexico in Saint Paul. …

Agritourism – It’s a new word to many people

UMASH connected with Township Officials across the state at the Minnesota Association of Townships annual meeting on November 16-17, 2017. Visitors to the UMASH booth were asked to complete a 2-question survey about the types of agritourism events occurring in their part of the state. Many people who answered the questions were surprised to learn about …

Now Showing…New Horizons in Agricultural Safety and Health

The Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health (MRASH) Conference was held November 14 and 15, 2017 at Central College in Pella, Iowa.  Over 70 agricultural safety and health professionals attended to learn more about Best Practices for New Horizon.  …

The Cow is Always Right – La Vaca Siempre Tiene La Razon

UMASH was fortunate to cooperate for a second time with Minnesota Milk Producers (MMPA) at a recent Spanish Dairy Management Workshop.  25 dairy workers from central Minnesota attended for a full day training hosted by MMPA and Elanco.  Monica Cruz Zorrilla from the Mexican Consulate in St. Paul gave an overview of their services and answered many questions from the participants. …

Farm Safety Check: Manure Gas

Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, and extremely hazardous gas. It is produced by the breakdown of animal wastes or manure. It is heavier than air and can collect in both enclosed pits, open air lagoons and low-lying areas such as, ditches, or manholes. Knowing the risks that can occur with manure gas is important for those farms raising animals and for others who may visit your farm. Take time to protect you, your family and others by incorporating basic principles into your manure management plan and check out additional resources listed below. …

SPOTLIGHT: A Better Way to Return To Work

When farm workers are forced to take time off due to sickness or injuries, the current return-to-work process has often been a hardship for both the individual and the farm business. The UMASH-funded project, Facilitating Return to Work for Injured and Ill Animal Agriculture Workers, created a system for clinicians to use when assessing a farmers’ injury or sickness. …

SPOTLIGHT: Pesky Occupations

Tick- borne diseases are particularly threatening to people who spend a majority of their days in high-risk tick areas such as farmers, DNR members, and soldiers. Dr. Claudia Munoz-Zanzi, Environmental Health Sciences Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota, set out to lay the groundwork for TBD research and prevention in her UMASH-funded pilot project Tick-borne Disease Risk for Agricultural Workers and their Families in the Midwest. …

Over 67,000 Youth Learn about Farm Safety

Students from all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin islands came into the safety area to learn about how to stay safe while working on a farm and performing their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE) …