Managing risk drives success

Extension Risk Management Education (ERME) educates America’s farmers and ranchers to manage the unique risks of producing food for the world’s table. The ERME annual conference was held April 11 and 12, 2018 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. …

UMASH hosts roundtable discussions at WALC conference

UMASH was one of the sponsors for the Women’s Agricultural Leadership Conference “Agriculture 2018: Passion for Progress” at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, MN on April 11, 2018. Diane Kampa led three short roundtable discussions, “Keeping a ‘Safe’ Eye on What We Write, Say and Show in Agriculture,” to build awareness and offer tips for showing safe work practices when promoting agriculture.  …

Are you aware of Agricultural Awareness Day?

April 10, 2018 was the Annual Agricultural Awareness Day put on by the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences’ Agriculture Education, Communications and Marketing Club. UMASH was present with a spring-themed photo op, resources, and a team to talk about UMASH’s mission in agriculture while highlighting resources and projects, like Safer FACES and Farm Safety Check. …

Farm Safety Check: Roadway Safety

Spring and fall are some of the busiest seasons for farm equipment on the road, so gear up for a safe, attentive year on the roads. Rural roads pose special dangers with curves, two-way traffic, slow-moving farm vehicles, wildlife, narrow lanes, and more. Whenever you hit the road with your machinery for field-work, check on your equipment and roadway habits to reduce the risk of a roadway incident. …

SPOTLIGHT: Reality Check – Farm Safety

Isn’t it satisfying to check items off a to-do list? UMASH created a safety resource that allows you to do exactly that. The Farm Safety Check is a free, quick, already assembled tool that can be used to prevent injuries from happening by identifying and addressing risks. …

Farm Safety Check: Fatigue

Fatigue has serious negative impacts on physical and mental health. Operating machinery when you’re sleep deprived can be as dangerous as operating machinery under the influence. While seasonality is a part of farming, it is important to be aware of the consequences fatigue can have, and what you can do to promote safety and health on your farm. …

Over the River we Go – UMASH presents at WITC on Ag Safety Day

UMASH traveled over the river into Wisconsin for Ag Safety Day 2018 at the Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College (WITC) – New Richmond Campus. We were invited to present and attend by Wisconsin OSHA. This event was sponsored by OSHA, WITC and Compeer Financial to provide valuable safety information plus networking for dairy farmers, agriculture students and those working in the agriculture industry. …

UMASH partners with CENTRAC to reach farmers in Central Minnesota

UMASH partnered with the Central Minnesota Trauma Advisory Committee (CENTRAC) to connect with farmers and farm families at the Central Minnesota Farm Show about farm safety and first aid. UMASH safety resources on animal handling, the Farm Safety Checklists, youth work guidelines and safe play areas were available to show attendees in the CENTRAC booth. …

UMASH moseyed to MOSES

UMASH braved some winter weather to meet new faces and organizations. The Midwest Organic Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) hosted their 2018 Organic Farming Conference February 22-24 at the La Crosse Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin. MOSES is a non-profit that educates and shares resources for organic and sustainable farmers. The 3-day conference …

SPOTLIGHT: Keeping a safe eye on what we write, say and show in agriculture

The media play an important role in reinforcing safety in agriculture and in rural life across the United States. What we write, say and show as images need to characterize safe agricultural practices. While not intentional, unsafe practices can find a way into the mainstream and social media as well as advertising.  By keeping a safe eye on what we produce and publish, we all take a step forward to safety and health in the agriculture community. …