UMASH hosts roundtable discussions at WALC conference

UMASH hosts roundtable discussions at WALC conference

UMASH was one of the sponsors for the Women’s Agricultural Leadership Conference “Agriculture 2018: Passion for Progress” at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, MN on April 11, 2018.

Diane Kampa led three short roundtable discussions, “Keeping a ‘Safe’ Eye on What We Write, Say and Show in Agriculture,” to build awareness and offer tips for showing safe work practices when promoting agriculture.  Attendees were given a Media Guidelines resource with tips and do’s and don’ts to help them and their organizations promote safety on the farm.  This resource was produced by the Childhood Agricultural Safety Network (CASN) and can be downloaded from the UMASH website for sharing with others in communications or marketing roles.

This high energy event is a great opportunity to engage women in agricultural leadership roles in Minnesota with our message and build a stronger network of those committed to safety and health on the farm