UMASH Goes to Farmers Market, A Presidential Farmers Market.

We’ve been holding onto summer, and attended the University of Minnesota Farmers Market on September 18th. This event was an enhanced farmers market that highlighted several health and wellness organizations at the University of Minnesota to welcome President Joan Gabel’s and honor her inauguration week. UMASH staff were there to welcome President …

SPOTLIGHT: Minnesota is now Hands-Free. What does that mean for you?

SEPTEMBER 2019 Minnesota drivers have to be Hands-Free as of August 2019, so we talked to Minnesota Safety Council’s President, Paul Aasen for answers to common questions and how this law applies when driving farm equipment on public roadways.       What is ‘Hands-Free’? Effective August 1, 2019, Hands-Free Minnesota asked …

Everyone’s Invited SROC Holds Annual Open House

The Southern Research and Outreach Center (SROC) is one of 10 centers affiliated with the University of Minnesota College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS). These centers are located in communities across the state and support research and outreach in agricultural production, human health, renewable energy and the environment. …

In the Field with Cottonwood County 4H

  Every year, Cottonwood County 4H coordinators host Fall Field Days at the University of Minnesota Southwest Research and Outreach Center (SWROC). Nearly 600 area fourth graders took a field trip to learn about the environment, science, and health and safety. UMASH joined other organizations, including the Science Museum of Minnesota, Farm Bureau, …

RF-DASH is going National!

In the first national training pilot, Rural Firefighters Delivering Agricultural Safety and Health (RF-DASH) instructors conducted a 2-day workshop for first responders, farmers and agricultural safety and health professionals in Minnesota. Participants came from across the country, including Idaho, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Minnesota and more. The …

Olmsted County’s New Video Promotes Petting Zoo Set-Up Safety

Petting zoos are a common attraction at fairs, festivals and other events. It is hard to resist picking up a furry friend or letting the baby calf lick your fingers. This can be a risky practice however, when it comes to transmitting bacteria, viruses and disease.  Plan ahead and learn more on the best practices to keep you and your visitors safe and …

Farm Safety Check: Tractor Safety

Tractors are nearly universal on the farm. While a critical piece of equipment, tractors are also the number one cause of death on the farm. Take the time to refresh all tractor operators on the necessary steps and training for safe operation. …

SPOTLIGHT: Head to Toe (or Hooves)

SEPTEMBER 2019 Dr. Gerard Cramer is one of our colleagues that knows dairy cows well – right down to the hooves. Prior to joining the University of Minnesota – College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Cramer owned a foot health specific veterinary practice and today his research focuses on figuring out what causes lameness in cows, hoof trimming, …

Helping Research Create Knowledge in Agriculture Safety

  Bo Hu, Ph.D. and Associate Professor in the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering at the University of Minnesota, along with other authors was selected to receive a 2019 ASABE Superior Paper Award for the paper “Simulation of Hydrogen Sulfide Emission from Deep-Pit Manure Storage During Agitation”.   UMASH was pleased …