Farm Safety Check: Healthy Habits: Eat Well to Stay Well

Farm Safety Check: Healthy Habits: Eat Well to Stay Well



Farmers are busy. Long days, unpredictable weather and machinery breakdowns can all add to the stress of the job. Staying healthy by making smart food choices is one way to make certain you are up to the task of whatever you might face. During busy and stressful seasons, eating well is important to prevent illness and provide enough energy to support physical and emotional health. With prior planning, meals and snacks can help accomplish any season without compromising your health.

You and/or your employee(s) can use this form to complete safety checks on your farm.  Use the form below to list additional safety checks you think are important when inspecting your farm. Keep the completed forms for follow-up, future reference and inspections.



The checklist below lists questions to help you to eat well to stay well:

  • Do you eat a variety of foods including grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat meat, and dairy? While convenient, try to limit processed foods as they contain high amounts of fat, salt, and sugar.
  • Do you skip meals and find yourself irritable? Eating regular meals will keep your blood sugar constant to minimize feeling “hangry.” Be sure to eat some protein with each meal, like an egg on toast instead of just jam.
  • Are you drinking enough water? Hot weather, physical exercise, and not drinking enough can lead to dehydration. Keep fresh water available in various places (tractor, shop, ATV). If you struggle with this, try low-sugar flavor mix or electrolytes (Nuun, Liquid IV, etc.).
  • Are you reliant on caffeinated or sugary beverages, like soda or energy drinks? These may make you more dehydrated and contribute to fatigue. If you do drink caffeinated or sugary beverages, be sure to drink a glass of water alongside each.
  • What nutritious snacks can you add to your diet? Fruit and nuts, for example, can provide more long-lasting energy than snacks like chips or cookies. You can often find nut, fruit, and cheese mix containers at the grocery store.
  • Do you have a well-stocked pantry? Stock up before harvest with foods that are not perishable, such as nuts, peanut butter, whole grain crackers, and canned tuna.
  • Do you make use of leftovers? Try cooking once and eating twice by using leftovers the next day or freezing for longer storage (also often called ‘meal prep’).
  • Do you have a support system to help you? Preparing meals and snacks ahead of time – at the beginning of the week or the night before can help you stay on track. “Meal prepping” as a family can be fun and beneficial for everyone.
  • Are you able to regularly find and purchase healthy foods? If this is a challenge, find resources to help on the next page.

You and/or your employee(s) can download and print a pdf checklist to complete safety checks on your farm.  Keep the completed forms for follow-up, future reference and inspections.



Additional Resources:

SPOTLIGHT: Healthy Habits – Tips and Tricks from a Registered Dietitian

Looking for more? 

We have compiled these additional resources to help you develop Healthy Habits to keep your body strong and healthy while working on the farm.



Disclaimer: The facts and information listed above are suggestions for your safety, but are in no way a comprehensive and exhaustive list of all actions needed to insure your safety.