SPOTLIGHT: Put on your pilot’s cap and prepare for a safer harvest season!

SEPTEMBER 2022 Agriculture is known to be hazardous. With higher death, injury, and illness rates than many other occupations, it can often feel like threats to health and safety are unavoidable on the farm. However, agricultural incidents are preventable. In a recent Hoard’s Dairyman article, our colleague, John Shutske, shares a powerful comparison …

SPOTLIGHT: Farm Stress: Starting the conversation

SEPTEMBER 2022 Farming is one of the most dangerous and physically challenging occupations. It is also mentally and emotionally challenging. Economic, social, and environmental forces can be major sources of stress for farm families and rural communities. In a recent Capital Times article by Blake McCoy, ‘It’s OK to not be OK’: Farmers open up …

SPOTLIGHT: Ouch! Don’t Get Stuck on the Farm

AUGUST 2022 If you are a livestock farmer, you know that vaccinations are commonly used to treat or prevent disease for overall animal health. However, when working with needles, it is important to note that injections can be a safety hazard to the producer or employee. RESOURCES UMASH has developed the following Needlestick Prevention fact sheets and …

SPOTLIGHT: Turning the Page – Research Briefs from 2011 – 2016

AUGUST 2022 Innovative research is one of the main pillars of UMASH, along with outreach and communication – all in an effort to improve the lives of agricultural workers in the Upper Midwest. The goal of our occupational safety and health research projects is to provide solutions to decrease illness and injury.  Each brief provides an easy-to-read …

SPOTLIGHT: Top Ten (Easy) Steps for Farm Safety

AUGUST 2022 There seems to be a top ten list for almost everything today. Top ten travel sites, top ten ice creams, top ten places to retire, just to name a few. When it comes to farm safety, Michigan Farm Bureau has a practical list of 10 easy steps to creating a safer workplace on your dairy farm.  Agriculture is one of the most hazardous occupations, …

SPOTLIGHT: Don’t Ditch Safety when Haying Ditches

JULY 2022 With the summer in full force, so is the haying season. With large equipment, extreme heat, heavy lifting, and the stress of working in a narrow time frame, hay season comes with its own set of hazards. However, haying ditches has unique safety concerns when working on highly variable surfaces and steep slopes.  North Dakota State University …

SPOTLIGHT: Inquiring minds want to know: FFAers share safety and health experiences

JULY 2022 For the last three National FFA conventions, UMASH and their partners from the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety have engaged FFAers in annual anonymous surveys about agritourism pratices, safety and health classes offered in school, and attitudes about farm safety and health. UMASH uses this information …

SPOTLIGHT: Summer = Silage Safety

JULY 2022 Summer has arrived in the Upper Midwest! Along with the heat comes several safety concerns. Cutting and storing silage is one of many tasks during the summer, so it is important to refresh the key safety points.   Here are three resources useful to both farmers new to the task and those who have been involved with silage for many years. …