UMASH Heads South this Winter for ASHCA Conference

The Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA) annual conference was held February 21-23 in Scottsdale, AZ. Carrie Klumb represented UMASH with a table full of center-created resources. UMASH made connections with researchers, non-profits, and farmers from throughout the United States all motivated to improve ag worker health and safety. Several people were interested in incorporating our resources into their on-farm safety programs or into their classrooms. …

Study takes fresh look at engaging media in farm safety coverage

Agricultural journalists have an active interest in covering safety more effectively and new opportunities exist for helping them do so, according to research published in the January issue of Journal of Extension. “New Extension Approaches to Serving Agricultural Media in Advancing Farm-Life Safety Communications” focused on injury prevention in a changing agricultural environment characterized by emerging safety risks and new communication channels. …

UMASH joins the Tradition – Carver County Dairy Expo 2018

UMASH was invited to exhibit at the Carver County Dairy Expo on February 19, 2018 in Norwood Young America.  This was the 26th year of the Expo and a tradition for dairy farmers, students and agriculture professionals to attend educational sessions browse the trade show and network with peers, industry professionals and educators. …

Farm Safety Check: Livestock Facilities & Handling Safety

Stressed livestock are more likely to injure themselves, their handlers, and are more difficult to work with. Providing stockmanship training for workers handling livestock is key to preventing injuries. There may also be changes you can make in your buildings, gates, and working areas that will minimize distractions and startling objects. Check in on your buildings and animal safety this month to keep yourself and animals safe! …

UMASH and Extension – Joining Forces for Women in Agriculture

The third annual Women in Agriculture Network, sponsored by  University of Minnesota Extension, was held February 15, 2018 in St. Cloud, MN.   The theme for the event was “Overcoming Adversity” as today’s farmers face lower commodity prices and economic challenges. The day was divided into 5 areas to address these challenges including: Farm …

UMASH Success Story: Training Rural Firefighters

The “Rural Firefighters Delivering Agricultural Safety and Health,” or RF-DASH, project is training and equipping firefighters/EMS with tools and knowledge to perform brief farm safety consultations. …

Down on the Farm Workshops

The first day of Down on the Farm workshops was held January 30, 2018, at Ridgewater College in Willmar, MN. Stress factors have been on the rise on farms, and Down on the Farm is a series of workshops for those working with farmers during tough times. …

Managing Stresses in Farming in North Dakota

UMASH Outreach Coordinator Diane Kampa attended the Managing Stresses in Farming, Families, and Finances Workshop on Monday, January 29, 2018 at Bismarck State College. UMASH Outreach Coordinator Diane Kampa attended the Managing Stresses in Farming, Families, and Finances Workshop on Monday, January 29, 2018 at Bismarck State College. This workshop was part of a two-day event, Life Beyond Breaking Even: Farm Economy Summit 2018 put on by the North Dakota State University, Agriculture and University Extension and focused on farm economy, farm management options, managing stress and pursuing wellness in times of tight farming margins. …

SPOTLIGHT: Ag Safety – Communication is Key

Communication is key. Although this overly-heard cliche provides no solution, it’s a good reminder of the importance of communication. To put it simply, when communication is bad, things don’t go well. This is no different for the agriculture community. Whether communication takes place between ag-producers, ag-experts, or through media channels, it plays an incredibly important role in keeping ag-safety information relevant and up-to-date. …

North Dakota “Rounds Up” for Farm Safety

The Lake Region Extension Round Up was held January 9 and 10, 2018 in Devils Lake North Dakota. Carol Peterson and graduate student Megan Schossow represented UMASH at this event along with Ellen Duysen from the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS- CASH). This was our second outreach opportunity to North Dakota where 450 people attended to participate in seminars and interact with various exhibitors. …