SPOTLIGHT: Stress & Mental Health

NOVEMBER 2018 When extreme stress manifests as a breaking point, like suicide, agricultural communities face unimaginable tragedy and loss. Stress, depression, and suicide are on the mind of agricultural communities, where economic, social, and environmental forces challenge the health and safety of farmers, agricultural workers and their families. …

Farm Safety Check: Manure Application

When applying manure, it is important to remember to work safely and avoid cutting corners. Besides general machinery safety, there are many additional hazards that manure may pose. As you work to apply manure before the ground freezes, keep this safety checklist in mind for agitation, pumping, transportation, and application. …

SPOTLIGHT: Thoughts & Weeds

Monica Kramer McConkey offers a unique perspective on controlling negative thoughts just as we need to control weeds in the field. …

SPOTLIGHT: One Health – Connections that Matter

What is One Health? Who uses it? Why is it important? Further understanding the links between people, animals, and the environment has allowed us to address the education and outreach needs and opportunities within local communities and organizations. …

91st National FFA Convention and Expo draws a record 69,944 attendees

On October 30, 2018, Scott Heiberger and Melissa Ploeckelman headed down to Indianapolis, Indiana to represent the National Children’s Center of Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, the National Farm Medicine Center and, of course, UMASH at the 91st National FFA Convention and Expo. …

SPOTLIGHT: Save Your Breath

This spotlight discusses dust exposures and the proper use of one type of respirator, also known as a dust mask. …

Farm Safety Check: Hearing Protection

Hearing loss is permanent and irreversible. October is National Protect Your Hearing Month, and it’s also a time of year farmers are working around combines, dryers, augers, and other equipment with high noise levels that harm hearing without proper protection. …

SPOTLIGHT: Apply the 3E’s for Safer Farming

SEPTEMBER 2018 All too often we read or hear about an injury caused by a piece of farm equipment.  There are more than 700 deaths and 100,000 injuries each year involving ATVs, according to Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC)* most recent data. The 3E model (Enforcement – Education – Engineering) used by occupational injury specialists …