
Marshfield Clinic Research Institute recognizes UMASH researchers’

The Marshfield Clinic Research Institute recently hosted the Research Spotlight event on October 12, 2022, where UMASH researchers, Dr. Florence Becot and Dr. Casper “Cap” Bendixsen were highlighted. Dr. Becot presented her research on Using photovoice to extend farm safety and health research and Dr. Bendixsen was awarded the 2022 recipient of the Gwen D. Sebold Fellowship. …

A Mental Health Day

Professionals practicing in the area of suicide prevention and mental health came together in Glencoe, MN on September 27 for a full-day continuing education conference on the topics on suicide prevention and mental health. The conference was organized by the 2B Continued organization. Carol Peterson represented UMASH with a variety of resources including the Cultivating Resilience in Rural Communities toolkit, Signs and Symptoms of Stress cards and the Cultivating Resiliency recorded webinars. …

SPOTLIGHT: Protect Your Back: Ergonomic Strategies for Preventing Pain while Farming

Farmers can experience musculoskeletal disorders, injuries, and pain symptoms, especially in the lower back region, due to the physical demands of their job and limited access to resources in rural areas. This summer, we hosted Justine Bauer, an Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program student at the University of Minnesota, as she completed her capstone project: an “Ergonomic Program for Crop Production Farmers Operating in Rural Communities in the Midwest.” …

SPOTLIGHT: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

We all make many decisions every day. Some decisions are automatic and easy; other times decisions can be painstakingly difficult. The Migrant Clinician’s Network recently featured an article on this topic. “Decision Fatigue, and Tips on Making Consequential Decisions”. This resource for health care workers is intended to assist staff make sound decisions for their patients and the workplace. Check out UMASH safety and health resources for combatting decision fatigue as you work on the farm. …

SPOTLIGHT: Re-imagining a Safe and Healthy Future for Agriculture at the 2022 Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health (MRASH) Conference

This year, the Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health (MRASH) Conference focuses on the future as farmers emerge into a changing world affected by supply chain and worker shortages, and ongoing changes in the climate, the economy, and technology. The hybrid conference, featuring a keynote presentation by Matt Russell, State Executive Director of the USDA Farm Service Agency, will take place at the Hotel at Kirkwood Center in Cedar Rapids, November 16 -17. …

A Communications Innovator in Agricultural Safety and Health

OCTOBER 2022 Farming is a way of life that is ever-changing. Financial uncertainty, market shifts, the unpredictability of weather events, and infectious disease are just a few factors that can impact the health and well-being of agricultural communities. When a potential threat takes form, communication plays a vital role in keeping farmers, farmworkers, …

Farm Safety Check: Healthy Habits: Eat Well to Stay Well

  OCTOBER 2022 Farmers are busy. Long days, unpredictable weather and machinery breakdowns can all add to the stress of the job. Staying healthy by making smart food choices is one way to make certain you are up to the task of whatever you might face. During busy and stressful seasons, eating well is important to prevent illness and provide enough …

SPOTLIGHT: Indigenous Peoples’ Day

OCTOBER 2022 On the second Monday of October, we recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Many people are taught the story of Christopher Columbus “sailing the ocean blue in 1492” and discovering the “New World.” While it made for a catchy rhyme, this story erases the land’s true history – that indigenous people lived, farmed, and were …