Going Global: Dr. Claudia Muñoz-Zanzi Recognized for Global Engagement

JULY 2022 Keeping with her commitment to social determinants and prevention of disease, this study’s long-term goal was to advance the knowledge of the ecology and epidemiology of TBD as well as identifying effective strategies for infection prevention.  Congratulations to Dr. Muñoz-Zanzi and her recognized contributions to epidemiology and preventive …

SPOTLIGHT: Don’t Ditch Safety when Haying Ditches

JULY 2022 With the summer in full force, so is the haying season. With large equipment, extreme heat, heavy lifting, and the stress of working in a narrow time frame, hay season comes with its own set of hazards. However, haying ditches has unique safety concerns when working on highly variable surfaces and steep slopes.  North Dakota State University …

Around the world: International Agricultural Safety and Health Conference

JULY 2022 In June, UMASH Outreach Director and Center Coordinator, Megan Schossow, attended the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health (ISASH) Conference in Fort Collins, Colorado. The theme was “From pastures to processing: Connecting people to elevate health and safety across the food system.”

Farm Tech Days – Where Tradition and Technology Meet

JULY 2022 Farm Tech Days UMASH was part of the Farm Technology Days near Loyal, Wisconsin, on July 12, 2022.  Carol Peterson worked with our partners at the National Farm Medicine Center in the Rural Health tent to provide farm safety information with a focused effort on reaching children.  Resources included sun safety, heat illness, grain bin safety, …

SPOTLIGHT: Inquiring minds want to know: FFAers share safety and health experiences

JULY 2022 For the last three National FFA conventions, UMASH and their partners from the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety have engaged FFAers in annual anonymous surveys about agritourism pratices, safety and health classes offered in school, and attitudes about farm safety and health. UMASH uses this information …

SPOTLIGHT: Summer = Silage Safety

JULY 2022 Summer has arrived in the Upper Midwest! Along with the heat comes several safety concerns. Cutting and storing silage is one of many tasks during the summer, so it is important to refresh the key safety points.   Here are three resources useful to both farmers new to the task and those who have been involved with silage for many years. …

30 years of a·bil·i·ty

JULY 2022 30 years and still going strong…AgrAbility has reached a milestone in serving farmers by cultivating independence for people with disabilities in agriculture.  To highlight the important work AgrAblity published “30 Years of Impact,” a summary of their history, program highlights, success stories and client videos.  30 Years of Impact …