Signs and Symptoms of Stress

Lists the physical and behavioral signs of stress, with suggestions for self-help or how to help someone else. VIEW PDF

UMASH Farm Safety Check

Agriculture can be a dangerous job.  Safety and health can be overwhelming with the number of hazards on the farm.  Too often we hear or read of farm incidents where a farm worker or family member was seriously injured or killed.  At UMASH, we believe these injuries are preventable. The UMASH Farm Safety Check is a quick review to identify and …

Animal Handling Training Guides: Dairy

Working with large animals can be challenging for farmers and workers… UMASH has developed training guides to accompany the 5-part video series on Dairy Stockmanship. These guides are intended for training by farmers, ranchers, farm employees, veterinarians, human resources training staff and those involved with worker health and safety training/education. …

Protección de Cerdos y Personas contra la Gripe

La Protección de Cerdos y Personas contra la Gripe aborda el tema de la transmisión de la gripe de los humanos a los cerdos y de los cerdos a los humanos y los pasos de precaución necesarios para evitar la propagación del virus. La transmisión del virus es más probable que ocurra cuando las personas y los cerdos están muy cerca – en granjas …

Protecting Pigs and People from the Flu

Protecting Pigs and People from the Flu addresses the transmission of flu from humans to pigs and pigs to humans and the necessary precautionary steps to avoid spreading the virus. Virus transmission is most likely to occur where people and pigs are in close proximity – in swine barns, at exhibitions or fairs, or in slaughterhouses. Receiving a flu …

Moviendo Cerdas – Sea Seguro e Inteligente

Moviendo Cerdas – Sea Seguro e Inteligente demuestra las mejores prácticas para mover cerdas. Las cerdas pueden ser animales grandes e impredecibles, por lo que es importante tener un plan y entender el comportamiento del animal para evitar lesiones. Este video explica los conceptos básicos del uso de la presión en la zona de fuga para mover …

Moving Sows – Be Safe and Smart

Moving Sows – Be Safe and Smart demonstrates the best practices for moving sows. Sows can be large and unpredictable animals, so it is important to have a plan and understand animal behavior to avoid injury. This video discusses the basic concepts of using pressure on the flight zone to move animals in the direction you want them to go. Safe handling …

Señales y Síntomas del Estrés

Sepa cómo reconocer las señales y síntomas del estrés y lo que puede hacer por usted y por los demás. Este recurso se creó para abordar el problema emergente del estrés y los problemas de salud mental que enfrentan los agricultores, los trabajadores agrícolas, y sus familias. La tarjeta enumera algunas de las señales físicas y de comportamiento …

Mental Health and Agriculture

This Mental Health Motion Graphic focuses on mental health in agriculture. This video is a conversation starter and should be used in conjunction with a program that discusses mental health in more depth. The video highlights: – The health statistics associated with mental health – Factors contributing to farmer stress including finances, isolation, …

Keeping Visitors Safe at Your Agritourism Business

This fact sheet developed by the Minnesota Department of Health contains information for agritourism operators on how to keep their visitors safe and prevent illness. For more information and resources on agritourism visit: umash.umn.edu/agritourism OPEN PDF