Infectious Disease on the Farm Handout

Zoonotic Diseases, or zoonoses, are infectious diseases that can be transmitted between animals and people. They cause different types of illnesses ranging from mild to serious symptoms and are sometimes fatal. VIEW PDF

Protecting Pigs and People from the Flu

Protecting Pigs and People from the Flu addresses the transmission of flu from humans to pigs and pigs to humans and the necessary precautionary steps to avoid spreading the virus. Virus transmission is most likely to occur where people and pigs are in close proximity – in swine barns, at exhibitions or fairs, or in slaughterhouses. Receiving a flu …

Keeping Visitors Safe at Your Agritourism Business

This fact sheet developed by the Minnesota Department of Health contains information for agritourism operators on how to keep their visitors safe and prevent illness. For more information and resources on agritourism visit: umash.umn.edu/agritourism OPEN PDF

Staying Healthy When the Farm Comes to You

Even healthy, well cared for animals can carry germs that can make people sick. If the farm’s coming to you, follow these simple tips to stay healthy. This flyer was developed by the Minnesota Department of Health. For more information and resources on agritourism visit: umash.umn.edu/agritourism OPEN PDF

6 Tips for Biosecurity – A Guide for Youth Livestock Exhibitors

4-H youth, or other individuals showing livestock or poultry, need to understand and implement sound biosecurity practices to prevent the spread of diseases between animals and people, also called zoonotic diseases. This video describes six simple biosecurity practices to help keep you and your animals healthy. For more information and resources on …

Animal Agritourism: Lay out a Plan for Success

Agritourism is a growing business, offering the public a chance to interact with animals in a way that they may otherwise not be able to do. However, even healthy animals can carry diseases that are harmful to guests, and it’s in your best interest as an operator to ensure your guests are safe during their visit to your farm. This video describes …

Farms, Fairs, and Fun – Be sure to wash your hands

It’s fun to get out on a working farm to experience farm life; spend time outside and find out where your food comes from. But contact with animals is always a potential risk for getting sick. Out on the farm washing your hands is really important. Farm visitors haven’t built up an immunity to farm germs so they are more vulnerable, especially kids …

Farms, Fairs, and Fun – Be sure to wash your hands

It’s fun to get out on a working farm to experience farm life; spend time outside and find out where your food comes from. But contact with animals is always a potential risk for getting sick. Out on the farm washing your hands is really important. Farm visitors haven’t built up an immunity to farm germs so they are more vulnerable, especially kids …

AgriSafe Webinar: Agritourism, The Next Frontier in Agriculture

Agritourism can be a great way to add supplemental income to your farm but it does come with an additional set of responsibilities. If you are currently running an agritourism operation or are thinking about making this an addition to your farm, you should become familiar with the Compendium of Measures to Prevent Disease Associated with Animals in …