UMASH Farm Safety Check

Agriculture can be a dangerous job.  Safety and health can be overwhelming with the number of hazards on the farm.  Too often we hear or read of farm incidents where a farm worker or family member was seriously injured or killed.  At UMASH, we believe these injuries are preventable. The UMASH Farm Safety Check is a quick review to identify and …

Animal Handling Training Guides: Dairy

Working with large animals can be challenging for farmers and workers… UMASH has developed training guides to accompany the 5-part video series on Dairy Stockmanship. These guides are intended for training by farmers, ranchers, farm employees, veterinarians, human resources training staff and those involved with worker health and safety training/education. …

11×17 Keep Calm Poster

This 11×17 PDF is in high resolution and ready to print and hang! The PDF contains both an English and Spanish version. Developed by UMASH as part of the Multidisciplinary Network to Address Agriculture Worker Health and Safety Issues project. Dairy Stockmanship is a practice which promotes positive animal handling. Stockmanship is important for both …

11×17 Be PALS Poster

When moving cows, be PALS! Be Patient Consider the Angle of your approach Think about your Location relative to the cow Slow the Speed of your movements This poster was developed by UMASH as part of the Multidisciplinary Network to Address Agriculture Worker Health and Safety Issues project. Dairy stockmanship is important for both animal and worker …

Tenga Paciencia Hoja de Hechos

AL MOVER LAS VACAS, ¡TENGA PACIENCIA! – Tenga paciencia – Tome en cuenta el ángulo en el que se acerca – Considere su ubicación con respecto a la de la vaca – Reduzca la velocidad de sus movimientos OPEN PDF This poster was developed by UMASH as part of the Multidisciplinary Network to Address Agriculture Worker Health and Safety Issues project.

Mantenga la Calma y Mueva las Vacas (v2)

MANTENGA LA CALMA Y MUEVA LAS VACAS POSTER ¡TENGA PACIENCIA! LA VACA SIEMPRE TIENE LA RAZÓN. Las vacas se mueven de una manera consistente y predecible. Conozca que señales le está dando a ella con su movimiento. OPEN PDF

Mantenga la Calma y Mueva las Vacas (v1)

MANTENGA LA CALMA Y MUEVA LAS VACAS POSTER ¡TENGA PACIENCIA! LA VACA SIEMPRE TIENE LA RAZÓN. Las vacas se mueven de una manera consistente y predecible. Conozca que señales le está dando a ella con su movimiento. OPEN PDF

Al Mover Las Vacas, Tenga Paciencia

AL MOVER LAS VACAS, ¡TENGA PACIENCIA! – Tenga paciencia – Tome en cuenta el ángulo en el que se acerca – Considere su ubicación con respecto a la de la vaca – Reduzca la velocidad de sus movimientos OPEN PDF This poster was developed by UMASH as part of the Multidisciplinary Network to Address Agriculture Worker Health and Safety Issues project.

Dairy Stockmanship Quinta Parte

Cómo Convertir la Sala de Ordeño en un Lugar Agradable La ganadería bovina es una práctica que promueve el manejo efectivo de los animales. Ésta es beneficial tanto para las vacas como para los granjeros resultando en menos estrés, mejor producción de leche y menos lastimaduras en los animales y en los granjeros. Este video es uno de los cinco …