Agriculture can be a dangerous job. Safety and health can be overwhelming with the number of hazards on the farm. Too often we hear or read of farm incidents where a farm worker or family member was seriously injured or killed. At UMASH, we believe these injuries are preventable. The UMASH Farm Safety Check is a quick review to identify and …
Authors: Bruce H. Alexander, Jeff B. Bender, Diane Kampa, Matthew C. Keifer, Amy K. Liebman, Carol Peterson, Ruth Rasmussen, Lisa Schiller, Brad Schloesser, and Carolyn Sheridan Journal of Agromedicine Vol. 21 , Iss. 3,2016 ABSTRACT: On May 28, 2015, the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH), the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s …
Authors: Reyes IA, Bellendorf N, Meehan T, Wenger R, Kadolph C, Halstead S, Mahnke A, Weichelt B, Ray W, Keifer M. Journal of Agromedicine. Wisconsin. June 9, 2014 ABSTRACT: Large animal production, like much of agriculture, is dangerous. Non-fatal injuries in pork and dairy production are commonplace and can often be serious, leading to restrictions. …
Authors: Treadwell RJ, Keifer MC Washington State Journal of Public Health Practice. Spokane, Washington. 2012 ABSTRACT: To identify work-related factors in large and small occupational health and rural clinics that may impact sustained utilization of a portable cholinesterase (ChE) monitoring kit within those settings. Primary interview data were …
Fact sheet developed by the Minnesota Department of Health with information for avian influenza infected flocks. The risk of getting sick with avian influenza if you have cared for infected birds is very low. Even though the risk is low, there are some things you can do to stay healthy. OPEN PDF
Authors: Liebman AK, Juarez-Carrillo PM, Reyes IA, Keifer MC American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2016 ABSTRACT: Dairy farming is dangerous. Yearly, farms grow fewer and larger by employing immigrant workers, who have limited industrial agriculture experience and safety and health training. We examined results of five focus groups with 37 Hispanic, …
El riesgo de contraer la gripe aviar si ha tomado precauciones con las aves infectadas es muy bajo. A pesar de que el riesgo es bajo, hay algunas medidas que puede tomar para mantenerse sano. OPEN PDF
Fact sheet developed by the Minnesota Department of Health with information for avian influenza infected flocks. The risk of getting sick with avian influenza if you have cared for infected birds is very low. Even though the risk is low, there are some things you can do to stay healthy. OPEN PDF
Authors: Cunningham R, Simpson C, Keifer MC International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2012 ABSTRACT: Informal recycling is widespread in developing countries and involves the collection, sorting, and selling of recyclable materials. Workers are exposed to hazards including the risk of cuts and musculoskeletal injury, infection, …
Authors: Garcia D, Hopewell J, Liebman AK, Mountain K Journal of Agromedicine, 2012 ABSTRACT: Migrant Clinicians Network advocates for migrants and clinicians, develops appropriate resources, engages outside partners, conducts translational research, and runs programs that support clinical care on the front line of migrant health. Migrant Clinicians …