The outbreak of COVID-19 is rapidly changing, creating a significant challenge for U.S. public health departments, schools, community organizations, agriculture and the overall public. UMASH has compiled a list specific to the Upper Midwest region to address COVID-19 in your state. LEARN MORE
6 pasos para mandar a los gérmenes por el desagüe VIEW PDF
Handwashing isn’t just for visitors on the farm. Learn the 6 steps to flush germs down the drain in order to maintain a safe and healthy working environment. Download our poster and hang it in your workplace to promote cleanliness. VIEW PDF
Este documento contiene recomendaciones para los empleadores agrícolas sobre cómo actualizar su Programa de Prevención de Lesiones y Enfermedades para incluir la prevención de la propagación del virus COVID-19 en el lugar de trabajo. Debido a que el COVID-19 está muy extendido en la comunidad, la mayoría de los trabajos deben considerar la enfermedad …
Agriculture can be a dangerous job. Safety and health can be overwhelming with the number of hazards on the farm. Too often we hear or read of farm incidents where a farm worker or family member was seriously injured or killed. At UMASH, we believe these injuries are preventable. The UMASH Farm Safety Check is a quick review to identify and …
Even healthy, well cared for animals can carry germs that can make people sick. If the farm’s coming to you, follow these simple tips to stay healthy. This flyer was developed by the Minnesota Department of Health. For more information and resources on agritourism visit: OPEN PDF
A 2016 survey of 1,105 Minnesota State Fair attendees gathered information about knowledge and behaviors related to agritourism, zoonotic diseases, and handwashing practices. For more information and resources on agritourism visit: OPEN PDF
Agritourism is a growing business, offering the public a chance to interact with animals in a way that they may otherwise not be able to do. However, even healthy animals can carry diseases that are harmful to guests, and it’s in your best interest as an operator to ensure your guests are safe during their visit to your farm. This video describes …
Large 11×17 poster detailing 6 steps to handwashing. PDF download is in high resolution and ready to print and hang! UMASH and the Minnesota Department of Health have created a variety of agritourism resources, including fact sheets, posters, brochures, and videos. VIEW AGRITOURISM RESOURCES OPEN PDF
It’s fun to get out on a working farm to experience farm life; spend time outside and find out where your food comes from. But contact with animals is always a potential risk for getting sick. Out on the farm washing your hands is really important. Farm visitors haven’t built up an immunity to farm germs so they are more vulnerable, especially kids …