Photo Credit: Aniket Bhattacharya on Unsplash
APRIL 2021
Spring is a welcomed time of year, a reminder of renewed hope. For agricultural communities, however, spring also means a busy season and new hazards on the farm.
In the following article, recently published in The Augusta Chronicle, Marion Barnes and Brittany Flowers of Clemson University County Extension discuss key ways to prevent injury on the farm. The 3 P’s — patience, preparations, and precautions — apply to many hazards, from extra riders on tractors to workplace fatigue.
Read Barnes and Flowers’s article below. Want to know more about each tip? We’ve also added helpful resources.
Three P’s For a safe spring on the farm: patience, preparations and precautions
Marion Barnes, Senior County Extension Agent
Brittany Flowers, County Extension Agent
As spring draws near, farmers are reminded to be aware of hazards they may face while working around their farms. Tilling and fertilizing the ground, planting crops, working livestock, weed control measures, and numerous other chores can put farmers at risk during the spring season. Farm safety comes down to three “P”s; patience, preparations, and precautions. Being aware of these three simple words and applying them while working on our farms can reduce injuries and promote a safer work environment. The following are a few tips for a safe and successful spring:
Refresh your memory by reading equipment operator manuals
Even if you have owned your tractor for a number of years, it is a good idea to reacquaint yourself with safe operating procedures and maintenance requirements. This can be especially helpful with today’s newer model tractors equipped with onboard electronics. Preparing machinery and preventive maintenance can reduce downtime and prevent mishaps in the field.
- Safe Operation of Farm Tractor Videos
University of Wisconsin Extension - U of M Extension Farm Safety & Health Videos
University of Minnesota Extension Farm Safety
Rural roadway safety
Spring will see an increased use of farm equipment on our rural roadways. Tractors will be traveling between the farmstead and remote fields, increasing the likelihood of vehicle-tractor encounters or collisions. Make sure all SMV signs are visible and emergency flashers and lighting are in working order. Avoid moving farm equipment at dusk or dawn and through heavily congested traffic areas if possible. Always use an escort vehicle. Be safe, be seen is a good motto.
- Rural Roadway Safety
Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health - Farm Safety Check: Roadway Safety
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center - Safe Rural Roads
Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health
Tractors, the modern workhorse of agriculture, are a leading cause of injuries and fatalities on the farm.
Extra riders have no place on tractors. They can interfere with the tractor operator’s decision-making, obstruct their view and attention, and extra riders are at risk of falling from the tractor. Avoid side rollovers by understanding the principles of center of gravity and centrifugal force on slopes, hillsides, and unlevel ground. Be aware of how quickly rear overturns can occur and avoid them by understanding rear axle torque and proper hitching procedures.
- Farm Safety Check: Tractor Safety
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center - Agricultural Health and Safety Posters — Tractor-Related Injuries & Tractor Safety
Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health
Make sure all safety shields and guards are in place and in working order.
Safety shields are there for a reason, to keep you safe. If one is removed for service, replace it. If one is missing or damaged, replace it. If you buy a used piece of equipment, check to make sure all safety shields and guards are present and in place.
- U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers YouTube Channel
NIOSH Centers of Excellence in Agricultural Disease and Injury Research, Education, and Prevention - COVID-19 Resources and Information
Migrant Clinicians Network
Livestock are a major source of farm injuries.
Use caution when working around male animals and mothers with offspring. It’s an animal’s natural instinct to be territorial and protective of their space and offspring. Take extra caution when feeding livestock and watch for signs of nervousness and aggression. Always leave yourself an escape route when working with livestock.
- Positive Animal Handling Resources
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center - Community Animal Disaster Planning Toolkit
Colorado State University Extension, High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Safety and Health
Don’t be in a rush. Spring can be a hectic time of the year for farmers and livestock producers.
Taking your time, working carefully and deliberately gives you time to think about potential hazards and get the job done safely. Rushing can lead to carelessness, especially if you are tired.
- Farm Safety Check: Emergency Preparedness
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center - Stress and Mental Health
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
Check and re-check.
It never hurts to check when it comes to safety issues. Take the time to re-check your equipment before you head out to the field. Take a second look in the rear view mirror or make sure the passing lane is clear while on the roadway are always good ideas.
- Farm Safety Check: STOP-THINK-ACT
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center - Stop Think Act YouTube Videos
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services
Let someone know your whereabouts.
Many farmers work alone or in remote areas. Today the “Back 40” may be twenty miles away from the farmstead or in another county. It’s important to let someone know where you are working and your work schedule in case of an injury or mishap.
- Farm Safety Check: Working Alone
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center - Questions to ask yourself before working alone
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Make sure you are up to par.
Spring farming activities can be stressful, especially for senior farmers. Aches and pains normally take a backseat during spring to make sure crops get in the ground and the livestock are cared for. Weather uncertainties, sick animals, equipment breakdowns, and other unexpected occurrences on the farm all lead to stress, both physical and mental. Don’t overlook health issues during this busy time of the year. Avoid fatigue, get plenty of rest and take frequent breaks to re-energize yourself, get proper nutrition, keep doctor appointments, and contact your health provider if you are experiencing health issues.
- Aging on the Farm
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center - Recommendations for Prevention: Worker Injuries Caused by Repetitive Motion
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center, High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
These are just a few suggestions that you might consider in making your spring planting season a little safer. For more information on farm safety contact your local Clemson Extension Service office.