SPOTLIGHT: Raising the Bar on Tractor Safety

Tractors and farming are nearly one and the same. Unfortunately tractor rollovers can and do occur too often, whether it is on the small hobby farm or in larger production agriculture operations. Tractor rollovers are the single deadliest type of injury incident on farms in the United States. …

SPOTLIGHT: Megan Schossow

Megan Schossow, UMASH staffer and second-year graduate student, traveled to Washington, D.C. for an internship with the Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA) as an Agricultural Health and Safety Intern hosted by the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives (NCFC). …

SPOTLIGHT: Best Practices for Veterinary Sharps

What happens to all the used sharps used in agriculture?  Where are they stored?  Can they be thrown in the household trash? Are there general guidelines or recommendations for disposal? …

SPOTLIGHT: Telling the Story Project

Tell a story, save a life. That’s the idea behind a new project inserting injury prevention messages into first-hand accounts of farmers and others impacted by agricultural trauma incidents. Telling the Story Project is a collaboration of three regional agricultural safety centers funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). …

SPOTLIGHT: Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines

As grass-cutting season gets underway it’s typical to see children and teenagers operating push and riding mowers. But these tasks can be hazardous. Our colleagues at The National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety have developed Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines. …

SPOTLIGHT: Extension Partner, Emily Wilmes

UMASH is fortunate to partner with Extension colleagues across the state in a number of areas. One colleague is Emily Wilmes, Extension Educator in Stearns, Benton and Morrison Counties. Emily graciously shared her research project with us to help us all better understand communication preferences and strategies for dairy farms. …

SPOTLIGHT: Reality Check – Farm Safety

Isn’t it satisfying to check items off a to-do list? UMASH created a safety resource that allows you to do exactly that. The Farm Safety Check is a free, quick, already assembled tool that can be used to prevent injuries from happening by identifying and addressing risks. …