Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH) Pilot/Feasibility Projects Program

cs-cashGrants up to $20,000 are being offered by the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH) as part of their pilot/feasibility projects program.

Pilot/feasibility projects are fundamental to sustaining the quality, breadth, and dynamics of the Center program. These projects can lead to the development of new and creative research, prevention, intervention, outreach, education, evaluation, or translation findings and outcomes. They can explore new activities or directions, or take advantage of special opportunities.

Pilot project duration is limited to 18 months and funding is limited to $20K per project. Pilot projects are primarily intended to assist investigators to obtain pilot data that can be used in pursuing support through other funding mechanisms.

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UMASH Partners Receive Research Collaboration Award from National Safety Council

The National Farm Medicine Center (NFMC), Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN), and four partner organizations received the inaugural Stakeholder Collaboration in Occupational Injury Research Award, sponsored by the National Safety Council (NSC). The award was presented May 19 as part of the National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS) 2015 in …

Avian Influenza Resources

With the recent avian influenza outbreak, attention must be given not only to animal health, but also the health and well-being of farmers and workers. UMASH, in collaboration with its partners, has gathered information and resources to assist agricultural workers and producers with getting the assistance they need. The CDC recently issued a Health …

UMASH Research Group Awarded $5 Million NIH Grant

Dr. Christine Seroogy, Principal Investigator of the pilot project “Exploratory Immunologic Differences in Cord Blood from Infants Born into Farming Environments Compared to Nonfarming Environments in MESA” reports that their research group has been awarded a $5 million NIH award to continue this work with a larger number of infants and in a prospective …

UMASH Annual Forum: Growing Agricultural Education: Embracing Health and Safety

The 2015 UMASH Annual Forum entitled “Growing Agricultural Education: Embracing Health and Safety” was held at the Davies Center on the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire campus on May 28, 2015. The forum was co-sponsored by the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH), the College of Nursing and Health Sciences …

2015 NORA Symposium

The 2015 National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Symposium was held Wednesday, May 6 at Mayo Memorial Auditorium at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. The symposium was co-sponsored by the Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety (MCOHS) and the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH). Attendees from …

UMASH at the Minnesota Pork Congress

On January 21-22, 2015 UMASH participated in the Minnesota Pork Congress, held at the Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN. This conference was for pork producers, pork related agribusinesses, and others with an interest in the pork industry in Minnesota. It was sponsored by the Minnesota Pork Board and the Minnesota Pork Producers Association. …

UMASH at 142nd Annual Meeting of APHA

UMASH was represented well at APHA in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17-19. Healthography was the theme for this 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. UMASH partner staff presenting and participating there from the National Farm Medicine Center in Marshfield, Wisconsin, include (pictured at left, L to R): Patricia Juarez-Carrillo, …