SPOTLIGHT: Raising the Bar on Tractor Safety

Tractors and farming are nearly one and the same. Unfortunately tractor rollovers can and do occur too often, whether it is on the small hobby farm or in larger production agriculture operations. Tractor rollovers are the single deadliest type of injury incident on farms in the United States. …


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting veterinary medical professionals, as well as those who work with horses and pigs, that a synthetic progesterone (hormone) product commonly used in these animals may cause reproductive system disorders and other adverse effects in people who become exposed to the drug. …

Farm Safety Check: Stress and Wellness

In farming, there’s a lot out of your control, creating stress that can potentially lead to serious impacts on your well-being. Check in on yourself, employees, or family this month to manage stress and remain resilient. …

Rain or Shine – Safety Matters

Megan Schossow and Diane Kampa staffed the UMASH outreach table at the Farm Progress Show that was held August 28-30 in Boone, Iowa. …

SPOTLIGHT: Megan Schossow

Megan Schossow, UMASH staffer and second-year graduate student, traveled to Washington, D.C. for an internship with the Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA) as an Agricultural Health and Safety Intern hosted by the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives (NCFC). …

Connecting with Canada: Ag for Life

Ag for Life recently visited UMASH. It was a great opportunity for both organizations to highlight projects, resources, and share strategies for improving agricultural health and safety. …

UMASH and MDH – Partners in Safety and Health

UMASH partners with other agencies and organizations to improve the safety and health of the agricultural community. One of these partners is the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) who has provided research expertise in the area of zoonotic disease transmission. …