Farm Safety Check: Stress and Wellness

Farm Safety Check: Stress and Wellness


Check the weather, check the markets, pay the land rent, prepay seed, contract next year’s crop, take the kids to the doctor…

The to-do list and bills can seem non-stop. In farming, there’s a lot out of your control, creating stress that can potentially lead to serious impacts on your well-being. Check in on yourself, employees, or family this month to manage stress and remain resilient.

Remember that to take care of others, you must take care of yourself.

Listed below are some signs and symptoms of stress and tips for what you can do if you recognize these symptoms in yourself or someone you know.



  • Worrying about things you didn’t before
  • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy
  • Poor concentration, confusion, forgetfulness
  • Uncertainty or trouble making decisions
  • Relationship problems
  • Feeling sad or anxious
  • Change in personality, irritability
  • Negative thinking
  • Wanting to withdraw from people or activities
  • Increased smoking/drinking


  • Poor or disturbed sleep
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Changes in appetite
  • Stomach or gastrointestinal problems
  • Clenching or grinding teeth
  • Chest pain
  • Poor hygiene

Do you recognize the signs and symptoms in yourself or someone you know? What can you do?



  • Reach out to a loved one.  Talk about how you’re feeling.
  • Talk to your friends, clergy, or a medical provider.
  • Reach out to a mental health counselor.


  • Listen attentively and without judgement.  Try to understand where they are coming from.
  • Share your concerns about his/her behavior, mood, appearance, etc. Ask questions about changes you observe.
  • Encourage them to reach out/tell a family member.

Download and share the Signs and Symptoms of Stress resource to help yourself and others who may be showing signs of stress.

This NEW resource was created as a result of a partnership with UMASH and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) to address the emerging issue of stress and mental health challenges facing farmers, ag workers, and their families.

The two-sided card lists some behavioral and physical signs of stress, as well as tips for what to do if you or someone you know is experiencing stress or mental health challenges.

Additional resources are available on the UMASH Stress and Mental Health topic page.