Add to Listening Queue: Growing On and Counting Sheep

Add to Listening Queue: Growing On and Counting Sheep


Farmers and ranchers know the sacrifices of the seasons: harvest, planting, calving or staying up to take care of what needs to be done. While a necessary trade off, sacrificing sleep is dangerous. Jay Stone of Georgia Farm Bureau and Host of their podcast, Growing On, chatted with UMASH’s Megan Schossow on fatigue. They covered the trade offs of fatigue, tips for those busy seasons, and getting the most of the sleep you do get. 

Farm Safety Check: Fatigue

Fatigue has serious negative impacts on physical and mental health. Operating machinery when you’re sleep deprived can be as dangerous as operating machinery under the influence. While seasonality is a part of farming, it is important to be aware of the consequences fatigue can have, and what you can do to promote safety and health on your farm.