Being Cooperative

July 2021 On July 14, 2021, The Minnesota Agriculture Cooperative Safety Directors (ACSD) met for their quarterly meeting in Spicer, Minnesota. This group seeks speakers to talk about safety issues in the agricultural industry, where they also review issues emerging in their businesses, innovations taking place, and share upcoming events, trainings, …

Rural Resiliency Redefined

July 2021 Farm shows are starting to make their comeback into our agricultural communities, and Farm Technology Days was hosted in-person in Eau Claire, Wisconsin at Huntsinger Farms. Farm Technology Days is the largest agricultural show in Wisconsin, and it served as an opportunity for UMASH to exhibit and have conversations about stress in agriculture …

Hello, We’re ISASH

JUNE 2021 The annual meeting of the International Society of Agricultural Safety and Health was held the week of June 21, 2021, via Zoom.  This international conference provides an excellent opportunity for staff development and the chance to network with other professionals to share ideas, resources and research for the betterment of occupational …

Celebration and Commemoration of Juneteenth

JUNE 2021 Juneteenth marks the day of June 19 of 1865, where Union Soldiers arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas, emancipating enslaved people in the last Confederate territory. Although Juneteenth was declared a holiday in 2021, Juneteenth is considered the longest-running African-American holiday in America. It is a day of celebration and remembrance recognizing …

SPOTLIGHT: Dairy Dozen

SEPTEMBER 2021 Dairy Farm Inspections Lead to Release of OSHA’s “Dairy Dozen” Working in close contact with large animals can be dangerous and challenging. Farmers and workers are not only exposed to physical hazards when handling large animals, but various safety, health, environmental, biological and respiratory hazards. To address these health …