Rural Resiliency Redefined

Rural Resiliency Redefined

July 2021

Farm shows are starting to make their comeback into our agricultural communities, and Farm Technology Days was hosted in-person in Eau Claire, Wisconsin at Huntsinger Farms. Farm Technology Days is the largest agricultural show in Wisconsin, and it served as an opportunity for UMASH to exhibit and have conversations about stress in agriculture and introduce Wisconsin’s Rural Resiliency Project. 

The Rural Resiliency Project, which is led by Doris Mold and is funded through the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Foundation, aims to increase the resiliency and promote the vibrancy of rural Wisconsin by focusing on farmers, farm families, and those in related agricultural fields. Doris Mold has led a UMASH Partner Project, Cultivating Resiliency for Women in Agriculture, and has partnered closely in stress and mental health work ever since. UMASH’s Megan Schossow serves on the advisory board to the project, which was initiated in 2021.