SPOTLIGHT: A Veterinary Perspective to Ag Health and Safety

SPOTLIGHT: A Veterinary Perspective to Ag Health and Safety

MARCH 2021

“Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.” – Harold S. Kushner

Addisalem Bedada, a Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine Resident at the University of Minnesota, began working with UMASH in 2020 to provide research, content expertise in occupational health, and a veterinary perspective on One Health and other topics of importance in the agricultural field. Specific areas of interest to him include food safety and production systems, antimicrobial resistance, and One Health. With considerable experience in research, lab practices and teaching, he has been a valuable asset to UMASH as we continue to expand our own resources for the Midwest agriculture community.

Bedada completed his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and earned his MS in Veterinary Public Health from Addis Ababa University of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture in Ethiopia. For six years he worked at Wollega University in Nekemte, Ethiopia as an instructor and researcher, moving on to spend two years as a veterinary drug and feed inspector at the Ethiopian Veterinary Drug and Feed Administration and Control Authority. Now a Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine Resident at the University of Minnesota, he is working to build his experience and skill sets in animal health, preventive medicine, and project management.

Addisalem Hunde Bedada, DVM, MS

His background in veterinary medicine, public health, and research has proven an impactful addition to the development of animal and human health resources at UMASH, adding a unique and specialized perspective for farm safety. As we continue to provide support to farmers and the ag community, Addisalem will play a key role in the research and progression of these resources, helping to translate science into practical tips for the farm.

An avid reader and soccer fan, he is a joy to work with and we at UMASH are lucky to have him.