
Evaluation of risk and protective factors for work-related bite injuries to veterinary technicians certified in Minnesota

Evaluation of risk and protective factors for work-related bite injuries to veterinary technicians certified in Minnesota

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  • Evaluation of risk and protective factors for work-related bite injuries to veterinary technicians certified in Minnesota

  • Evaluation of risk and protective factors for work-related bite injuries to veterinary technicians certified in Minnesota-image
  • Authors: Nordgren L, Gerberich S, Alexander B, Church T, Bender J, Ryan A

    Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Aug. 15, 2014

    The objective of this study is to identify risk and protective factors for work-related bite injuries among veterinary technicians certified in Minnesota. A questionnaire was mailed to CVTs who previously participated in a survey regarding work-related injuries and did (cases; 301 surveys sent) or did not (controls; 567) report qualifying work-related animal bite injuries in the preceding 12 months. Descriptive statistics were summarized. Demographic and work-related variables for the month preceding the bite injury (for cases) or a randomly selected month (controls) were assessed with univariate analysis (489 CVTs) and multivariate analysis of a subset of 337 CVTs who worked in small or mixed mostly small animal facilities. Several work-related factors were associated with the risk of work-related bite injury to CVTs. These findings may serve as a basis for development of intervention efforts and future research regarding work-related injuries among veterinary staff.


  • « Back to Database Search
  • Evaluation of risk and protective factors for work-related bite injuries to veterinary technicians certified in Minnesota

  • Evaluation of risk and protective factors for work-related bite injuries to veterinary technicians certified in Minnesota-image
  • Authors: Nordgren L, Gerberich S, Alexander B, Church T, Bender J, Ryan A

    Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Aug. 15, 2014

    The objective of this study is to identify risk and protective factors for work-related bite injuries among veterinary technicians certified in Minnesota. A questionnaire was mailed to CVTs who previously participated in a survey regarding work-related injuries and did (cases; 301 surveys sent) or did not (controls; 567) report qualifying work-related animal bite injuries in the preceding 12 months. Descriptive statistics were summarized. Demographic and work-related variables for the month preceding the bite injury (for cases) or a randomly selected month (controls) were assessed with univariate analysis (489 CVTs) and multivariate analysis of a subset of 337 CVTs who worked in small or mixed mostly small animal facilities. Several work-related factors were associated with the risk of work-related bite injury to CVTs. These findings may serve as a basis for development of intervention efforts and future research regarding work-related injuries among veterinary staff.