H3N2v (variant) Influenza and Swine Contact

H3N2v (variant) Influenza and Swine Contact

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  • H3N2v (variant) Influenza and Swine Contact

  • H3N2v (variant) Influenza and Swine Contact-image
  • H3N2v (variant) Influenza and Swine Contact fact sheet developed by UMASH and the Center for Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS) at the University of Minnesota.

    – What is H3N2v (variant) flu?

    – How is the H3N2v flu transmitted to people?

    – What precautions can I take to protect my family?

    – What are the signs and symptoms of H3N2v flu in humans?

    – Can I get infected with H3N2v virus from eating or preparing pork?

    – Is H3N2v different from the seasonal flu that occurs every fall and winter? Will that flu vaccine protect me?


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  • H3N2v (variant) Influenza and Swine Contact

  • H3N2v (variant) Influenza and Swine Contact-image
  • H3N2v (variant) Influenza and Swine Contact fact sheet developed by UMASH and the Center for Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS) at the University of Minnesota.

    – What is H3N2v (variant) flu?

    – How is the H3N2v flu transmitted to people?

    – What precautions can I take to protect my family?

    – What are the signs and symptoms of H3N2v flu in humans?

    – Can I get infected with H3N2v virus from eating or preparing pork?

    – Is H3N2v different from the seasonal flu that occurs every fall and winter? Will that flu vaccine protect me?