The Cultivating Resilience in Rural Communities toolkit was developed to support conversations on stress and mental health in the agricultural community. The toolkit includes a discussion guide, participant worksheet, video and other materials that discussion leaders can use to plan, prepare and host a group conversation on mental health in agriculture …
The Signs and Symptoms of Stress card is also available as an 8.5×11 poster with space for co-branding with your organizations information and resources. If you are interested in this template, please email VIEW PDF
La tarjeta enumera algunas de las señales físicas y de comportamiento del estrés. OPEN PDF
Agriculture can be a dangerous job. Safety and health can be overwhelming with the number of hazards on the farm. Too often we hear or read of farm incidents where a farm worker or family member was seriously injured or killed. At UMASH, we believe these injuries are preventable. The UMASH Farm Safety Check is a quick review to identify and …
This Mental Health Motion Graphic focuses on mental health in agriculture. This video is a conversation starter and should be used in conjunction with a program that discusses mental health in more depth. The video highlights: – The health statistics associated with mental health – Factors contributing to farmer stress including finances, isolation, …
Know how to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and what you can do for yourself and others. This resource was created to address the emerging issue of stress and mental health challenges facing farmers, agricultural workers, and their families. The card lists some of the behavioral and physical signs of stress, as well as tips and resources …