Keep Food Safe – 4H Food Stand Worker Training

Keeping the public safe from foodborne illness is important when working at a 4-H food stand, county fair or other similar venue. Your organization is responsible for ensuring food safety measures are followed after leaving the barn and preparing to work in the food stand. This video covers the basics of food safety when preparing and serving food to …

Validation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) on Minnesota Vegetable Farms

Authors: Hamilton KE, Umber J, Hultberg A, Tong C, Schermann, Diaz-Gonzalez F, Bender JB Foodborne Pathogens Disease. St. Paul, Minnnesota. Jan. 7, 2015 ABSTRACT: The United States Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture jointly published the “Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables,” …

A framework for developing research protocols for evaluation of microbial hazards and controls during production that pertain to the quality of agricultural water contacting fresh produce that may be consumed raw

Authors: Harris LJ, Bender J, Bihn EA, Blessington T, Danyluk MD, Delaquis P, Goodridge L, Ibekwe AM, Ilic S, Kniel K, Lejeune JT, Schaffner DW, Stoeckel D, Suslow TV J Food Prot, 2012 ABSTRACT: Agricultural water may contact fresh produce during irrigation and/or when crop protection sprays (e.g., cooling to prevent sunburn, frost protection, and agrochemical …