This video goes step-by-step explaining ways that farms can protect their employees during COVID-19. Visit the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH) COVID-19 Resources page for additional agricultural safety and health education and training resources: The video contents are solely the …
What are respirators? How do they differ from cloth and surgical face masks? According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), respirators protect wearers by filtering out specific hazards in the air. Other types of respirators deliver clean air to the wearer. Respirators extend over the nose, mouth, and sometimes the …
The outbreak of COVID-19 is rapidly changing, creating a significant challenge for U.S. public health departments, schools, community organizations, agriculture and the overall public. UMASH has compiled a list specific to the Upper Midwest region to address COVID-19 in your state. LEARN MORE
6 pasos para mandar a los gérmenes por el desagüe VIEW PDF
Handwashing isn’t just for visitors on the farm. Learn the 6 steps to flush germs down the drain in order to maintain a safe and healthy working environment. Download our poster and hang it in your workplace to promote cleanliness. VIEW PDF
Este documento contiene recomendaciones para los empleadores agrícolas sobre cómo actualizar su Programa de Prevención de Lesiones y Enfermedades para incluir la prevención de la propagación del virus COVID-19 en el lugar de trabajo. Debido a que el COVID-19 está muy extendido en la comunidad, la mayoría de los trabajos deben considerar la enfermedad …
This document contains recommendations for employers on how to update their Injury and Illness Prevention Program. VIEW PDF