Authors: Harris LJ, Bender J, Bihn EA, Blessington T, Danyluk MD, Delaquis P, Goodridge L, Ibekwe AM, Ilic S, Kniel K, Lejeune JT, Schaffner DW, Stoeckel D, Suslow TV J Food Prot, 2012 ABSTRACT: Agricultural water may contact fresh produce during irrigation and/or when crop protection sprays (e.g., cooling to prevent sunburn, frost protection, and agrochemical …
Authors: Cho S. Diez-Gonzalez F, Fossler C, Wells SJ, Hedberg CW, Kaneene JB, Ruegg P, Warnick L, Bender JB Canadian Veterinary Journal, 2013 ABSTRACT: This study aimed to identify herd-level risk factors associated with fecal shedding of Shiga toxin-encoding bacteria (STB) on dairy cattle farms in Minnesota, USA. READ ARTICLE
Authors: Gray GC, Bender JB, Bridges CB, Daly RF, Krueger WS, Male MJ, Heil GL, Friary JA, Derby RB, Cox NJ Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2012 ABSTRACT: Within 5 months after the earliest detection of human influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus, we found molecular and culture evidence of the virus in healthy US show pigs. The mixing of humans and pigs at swine …
Authors: Dressler AE, Scheibel RP, Wardyn S, Harper AL, Hanson BM, Kroeger JS, Diekema DJ, Bender JB, Gray GC, Smith TC Veterinary Record, 2012 ABSTRACT: Fairs and petting zoos have been associated with outbreaks of zoonotic disease. Previously, the presence of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was documented in commercial pigs; therefore, …
Authors: Lee BC, Gallagher SS, Liebman AK, Miller ME, Marlenga B Marshfield Clinic Report, 2012 ABSTRACT: This National Action Plan takes an updated look at preventing childhood agricultural injury and death. The Blueprint endeavor builds upon the 1996 plan that launched a national initiative leading to a remarkable reduction in nonfatal injuries …
Authors: Lee BC, Gallagher SS, Liebman AK, Miller ME, Marlenga B Journal of Agromedicine, 2012 ABSTRACT: In 1996 the US launched a National Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative, guided by an action plan generated by a 42-member multidisciplinary committee. A major update to the plan was released following the 2001 Summit on Childhood …
Authors: Cunningham R, Simpson C, Keifer MC International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2012 ABSTRACT: Informal recycling is widespread in developing countries and involves the collection, sorting, and selling of recyclable materials. Workers are exposed to hazards including the risk of cuts and musculoskeletal injury, infection, …
Authors: Keifer MC, Heiberger S Journal of Agromedicine, 2012 READ ARTICLE
Authors: Heiberger S, Alexander B, Keifer M, Bender J Streamline newsletter, March/June 2012 ABSTRACT: Addressing potential safety and health problems in agriculture is a complex job due to the dynamic nature of the industry and changing demographics of the workforce. The new Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health (UMASH) Center is meeting these …
Authors: Keifer MC Journal of Agromedicine, 2012 READ ARTICLE