UMASH at the Latino Summit

UMASH at the Latino Summit

Mankato, MinnesLatino Summitota was the site of the Southern Minnesota Latino Summit on September 10, 2014 attended by four UMASH personnel–Jeff Bender, Carol Peterson, Karen Lopez, and Ruth Rasmussen. The event was convened by the University of Minnesota Extension, Chicano Latino Affairs Council, Consulado de Mexico en Saint Paul, Minnesota State University, and the Latin American Multi-Ethnic Association for Networking and Opportunities.

A group of over 50 persons representing service providers and educational professionals met to create stronger working relationships amongst themselves and to identify strategic collaborations that could result in greater success in serving Latino communities. Energizing ideas were the result of the Pro-Action Cafe format for the day with themes emerging to move visions into practical activities. UMASH resources, particularly in Spanish, were well received and connections for continued engagement were made.