JULY 2019

Teaching agriculture today is more diverse than ever from biosecurity standards to hearing protection to business management, teachers have much to accomplish in the classroom.

Read on to learn more about this organization designed to help teachers prepare students for sound agriculture safety and health practices on and off the farm.

Linda Fetzer from the Safety in Agriculture for Youth (SAY) Project describes how SAY can help  teachers with the three educational tools the SAY National Clearinghouse, the Teacher Resource Guides and the Injury Risk Assessment for Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).

Are you looking for curriculum or supporting resources for your classroom which align with AFNR Career Cluster Content Standards? If so, the Safety in Agriculture for Youth (SAY) Project can make your life easier.

The SAY National Clearinghouse funded by the USDA – National Institute of Food and Agriculture is a one-stop for educators where you can find agricultural safety and health curriculum and other supporting resources which align with the following safety-related AFNR standards: AS.02 (Animal systems)., CS.03 (Foundational Safety-Related Technical Knowledge and Skills), ESS.01 and 05 (Environmental Service Systems), PS.03 (Plant Systems) and PST.02 (Power, Structural and Technical Systems). The Clearinghouse helps teachers by showing you the alignment (high, medium or low) of the resources to the AFNR standards.

In addition to the SAY National Clearinghouse, the SAY Project also has Teacher Resource Guides to assist instructors with integrating curriculum hosting in the Clearinghouse by providing teaching methods to instructors on preparing students with safety instruction. Currently the guides address the Animal Systems Career Pathway and Power, Structural and Technical SystemsAn additional product of the SAY Project for agricultural educators is the Injury Risk Assessment for Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). The Injury Risk Assessment for SAEs protocol is a resource for evaluating work sites to assess risks for individuals involved with production based SAEs on those work sites. Production-based SAE safety evaluations and risk assessments must be integral parts of agricultural educators’ visits to production-based SAE sites. The Clearinghouse, Teacher Resource Guides, Injury Risk Assessment, and so much more is available through the SAY Project homepage.

Ag Education Teacher Resources 

UMASH has partnered with two additional organizations; the Safety in Agriculture for Youth (SAY) Project and the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety (NCCRAHS) to provide important health and safety resources for teachers.