SPOTLIGHT: But Wait, There’s More – Training Guides and Videos for Swine Producers

SPOTLIGHT: But Wait, There’s More – Training Guides and Videos for Swine Producers


Almost everyone likes a good deal, or an extra perk.

The Upper Midwest is home to a number of animal agriculture producers, one of which is farrowing and finishing hogs. Whether you are a small, mid-size or large producer, the risks of working in the industry are the same.

UMASH has added additional training resources to our

swine animal handling guides

– making them a more effective tool in delivering health and safety on swine farms and the swine industry and they are FREE.


Research on Injuries

UMASH has conducted research on the injuries associated with hog production which focuses on identifying and describing major injury problems and the causes. For swine production the emphasis has been on needlestick injuries and animal interaction injuries in swine operations. There are some notable findings and further exploration continues with our partners. In addition to physical injuries and biologic injuries there are zoonotic disease risks. One such disease is swine influenza which can be transferred from people to pigs and pigs to people.


Keeping farmers and farm workers healthy and injury free is our main objective at UMASH.



We have developed in collaboration with the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine Swine Program and the National Pork Board, two videos for producers. Both videos are in English and Spanish and include Moving Sows: Be Safe and Smart which captures the critical points in moving these large animals and promotes positive animal handling. Protecting People and PIgs from the Flu addresses the steps to avoid exposing you and your animals to influenza. An outbreak of swine influenza can be costly to your business.  

Available in English and Spanish.

Moving Sows: Be Safe and Smart
Release Date: June 4, 2019

Explains the practice of moving sows safely and securely to protect the worker.

Moviendo Cerdas – Sea Seguro e Inteligente
Release Date: June 4, 2019

Preventing Pigs and People from the Flu
Release Date: June 4, 2019

Addresses the transmission of flu from humans to pigs and pigs to humans and the necessary precautionary steps to avoid spreading the virus.

Prevención De La Diseminacion Del Virus De Influenza
Release Date: June 18, 2019




Just recently developed are hands on training guides to help swine producers make the most of the videos as tools for themselves and their employees. The training guides provide a how to approach, complete with an overview, discussion questions, and a short quiz. Quizzes are in English and Spanish and can be printed or completed online.  The resources are FREE and available on our website.



UMASH wants you, your workers and your animals to stay safe, healthy and injury free. Check out all of our farm safety resources to plan for a safe new year!