SPOTLIGHT: 10th Annual AgMed Course

SPOTLIGHT: 10th Annual AgMed Course


Agriculture safety and health professionals know the importance of staying current with new research, technology and information.

UMASH recognizes this and promotes important health and safety training opportunities for professionals working in the agricultural industry. One such event is the Agricultural Health and Safety Course, offered at the University of Nebraska, College of Public Health in conjunction with the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health.

This course is unique as it examines key health and safety issues specific to rural and agricultural workers such as zoonotic disease, skin diseases, respirator fit testing, veterinary pharmaceuticals, and women’s health issues. The Agricultural Health and Safety Course is offered July 14 – 17, 2020 at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. An online version through ZOOM is also available.

Read more about the course topics, options for continuing education and registration information.

10th Annual CS-CASH Agricultural Health and Safety Course

Ellen Duysen, MPH
Coordinator – Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health

The Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH) is proud to announce the 10th anniversary of the Center’s annual Agricultural Health and Safety Course. Presented at the University of Nebraska, College of Public Health, the CS-CASH course has drawn participants from as far away as Sweden and Finland.

As one of several “Core Courses” taught across the U.S., this course was developed from the original course taught at the University of Iowa, Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health. Course founder, Dr. Kelley Donham, presents many of the topics offered during the CS-CASH course. Designed to examine critical health and safety issues specific to rural and agricultural workers, this course brings together content experts to present materials relevant to those working in health care, public health, education, and safety professions.

New content is added to the course regularly, reflecting emerging issues and the changing demographics of agricultural workers. Recent additions include:

  • Veterans returning to agriculture
  • Behavioral health issues in agriculture
  • Migrant and immigrant health
  • Optimizing health for women in agriculture
  • Respiratory fit-testing training

Who Should Attend

The course is intended for professionals who have an interest in agricultural health and safety, including health care providers, emergency medical responders, pharmacists, health educators, Extension educators, migrant health clinicians, physical therapists, insurance specialists, veterinarians, safety professionals, and students.

Course participants can receive both continuing education credit (AMA, PRA, Nursing, and EMS) and graduate-level academic credit through enrollment at the UNMC College of Public Health.

In addition to increasing awareness regarding the unique health care needs of agricultural workers, the Agricultural Safety and Health Course provides a tremendous opportunity for networking and exchanging resources, ideas, and knowledge. Course participants become part of the CS-CASH member network. They receive notification of emerging issues, opportunities for further education, funding announcements, and assistance with locating resources and content experts.

The 10th Annual CS-CASH Agricultural Health and Safety Course will be held July 14-17, 2020, at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health, or offsite via Zoom.

For additional information and to register for the course, please visit: 

For information on group discounts or scholarships, please contact Ellen Duysen ellen.duysen@unmc.edu.