National Farm Safety and Health Week 2020

National Farm Safety and Health Week

September 20-26th, 2020


The 2018 data for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the agricultural sector is still the most dangerous in America with 574 fatalities, or an equivalent of 23.4 deaths per 100,000 workers. Fall harvest time can be one of the busiest and most dangerous seasons of the year for the agriculture industry. For this reason, the third week of September has been recognized as National Farm Safety and Health Week.

This annual promotion initiated by the National Safety Council has been proclaimed as such by each sitting U.S. President since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944. National Farm Safety and Health Week is led by the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS), the agricultural partner of the National Safety Council.


Share this flier with anyone who may be interested in National Farm Safety and Health Week!


Farm to Fork: Affiliate Downloads

All programs are MP3 files encoded at 128 Kbps. To download, choose either “Entire week” (five files in a zip folder), or individual shows. Right click on the link, select your browser’s preference for file saving, and choose a location to save the file.


Do you have news to share regarding events during National Farm Safety and Health Week?  Join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook. Be a Farm Safety Champion!



MONDAYTractor Safety & Rural Roadway Safety
TUESDAYOverall Farmer Health
WEDNESDAYSafety & Health for Youth in Agriculture
THURSDAYEmergency Preparedness in Agriculture
FRIDAYSafety & Health for Women in Agriculture


Planting the Seeds of Tractor and Machinery Safety
Monday, September 21, 2020 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT

Tractors and machinery have traditionally been a leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries on and around farms and ranches. The Planting the Seeds of Tractor and Machinery Safety webinar will cover the basic hazards associated with agricultural tractors and machinery and how to prevent injuries from these hazards.


Lessons Learned in Covid-19 Prevention Efforts among Agriculture Workers and Employers
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm CDT

Agriculture work sites, shared worker housing, and shared worker transportation vehicles present unique challenges for preventing and controlling the spread of COVID-19. Consistent application of specific preparation, prevention, and management measures can help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Best practices in Covid-19 testing and contact training will be shared to help agricultural producers identify strategies for responding on their farm. The CDC Covid-19 prevention guidance for agriculture will also be shared to assist employers in adopting recommendations to protect workers.


Mental Health Innovations in Agricultural Communities
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm CDT

This session is a panel presentation that communicates a forward vision addressing disparities in agricultural mental health. The presenters will explore the development of a farmer specific hotline, the efforts of a state department of agriculture, and suggested strategies to address a central objective-to meet the mental health needs of ALL agricultural producers and their families. This session is designed to spark discussion, ideas, collaborations between community and governmental groups to thoughtfully build a mental health safety net across cultures.


National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety: Building a Toolkit for Child Agricultural Safety and Health
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT

Join us as we introduce participants to the world of child agricultural safety and health. After learning about benefits, risks and hazards of living, working and playing on farms, we will explore safety strategies for safeguarding children. We will help participants build a toolkit for safeguarding children and youth in the agricultural environment. All tools and resources used to build these toolkits are available free of charge.


Teach Your Way: Open Source Ag Health and Safety Curriculum
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 2:00 pm –3:00 pm CDT

Learn how to access AgriSafe’s free online trainings for use in the classroom. Educators can be certified to train on six AgriSafe modules (targeted for ages 16-23). Generous sponsorship allows AgriSafe to provide free course instruction and training materials. Under our open share platform, once certified, you may use the training materials in your classroom setting. Our end goal is to build the capacity of local agricultural educators, rural health professionals and rural leaders to train young workers.


Emergency Planning for Farm Operations
Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT

Safety planning is one of the most difficult to justify because you never know the amount of time, money, or lives you are saving for accidents that don’t happen. With more children likely to be on the farm than ever before in history again this Fall, it is even more critical we take action for Emergency Response Planning. Shay Foulk, a Safety Consultant with Ag View Solutions, will speak on how to navigate the difficult conversations, implementation, and sustainability of Emergency Response Planning. No different than any other business, Shay works with farming operations to assess risks, identify solutions, and implement them in a manner that is practical and easy for farms.


Respiratory Protection Issues in Agriculture – What to wear and does it fit?
Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm CDT

The business of agriculture presents a myriad of hazards, including exposures to dusts, molds, pesticides and other chemicals, gases, as well as welding fumes and particles. Deciding what protection to use to prevent acute and chronic respiratory diseases is confusing. In addition, just finding the right protective gear can be a challenge. This webinar will address those issues and provide information on the importance of fit testing and fit (seal)checks.


Safety in the Field: Addressing Workplace Sexual Harassment for Farm Workers
Friday, September 25, 2020 – 10:00 am –11:00 am CDT

Thirty-six percent of the 3.4 million producers counted in the census are women. Education will focus on all women including farmworker women and their employers on reporting violent incidents to authorities, making employees aware of their legal rights, safe work practices, medical referrals, treatment, and options including counseling if needed.


Discovering the Root of your Back Story – Prevention and Understanding of Back Injuries
Friday, September 25, 2020 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT
Back injuries are one of the most common forms of farm-related injuries. Protection of the spine and related musculature is one of the most important steps a producer can do to remain active on the farm. Men and women are equally prone to work-related back pain and the first episode usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 40. Training will focus on whole body vibration, causes of back injuries/pain, doable strategies to prevent injuries/pain, and other considerations.





UMASH Ag Safety Resources
  • UMASH Farm Safety Check
    The UMASH Farm Safety Check is a quick review to identify and fix potential hazards before they cause harm to your family and employees – and your bottom line. Farm Safety Checks focus on a different topic, offering checklists and tips to help identify hazards, along with resources to remedy any problems.
  • UMASH Ag Safety and Health Spotlight
    The UMASH Ag Health and Safety Spotlight features stories from farmers and farm families about their experiences with injury or illness on the farm as well as stories that highlight new resources and organizations that are working to improve agricultural safety and health.
  • Agricultural Education Teacher Resources
    Teaching agricultural safety and health is an important topic for the next generation of farmers and related agriculture professions. UMASH has compiled materials that ag educators can use to highlight agricultural safety and health in the classroom, including lesson plans, resources on a variety of health and safety topics, awareness events, planning tools, and tips on how to use the material in the classroom.
NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Centers
The Centers for Agricultural Disease and Injury Research, Education, and Prevention represent a major NIOSH effort to protect the health and safety of agricultural workers and their families. The Centers were established by cooperative agreement to conduct research, education, and prevention projects to address the nation’s pressing agricultural health and safety problems. Geographically, the Centers are distributed throughout the nation to be responsive to the agricultural health and safety issues unique to the different regions.

US Ag Centers YouTube Channel
The US Agricultural Centers funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health offer online safety videos through a special YouTube channel. These safety videos are designed for producers, Extension agents, first responders and farm families. The videos can be especially relevant during harvest season, as farmers are putting in long hours under the stress of weather delays and equipment breakdowns.

National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS)
The National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) is dedicated to preventing illnesses, injuries, and deaths among farmers and ranchers, agricultural and horticultural workers, their families, and their employees. NECAS is a partnership with the National Safety Council and Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Peosta campus.

Links and Additional Resources
  • eXtension.org
    Resources and tools to help the Extension workforce increase local and national impact.
  • FarmAnswers.org
    USDA-NIFA beginning farmer and rancher (BFRDP) clearinghouse, providing resources to help you get started farming, as well as tools to help more seasoned producers succeed.
  • Farm MAPPER
    A pre-plan map of farms to expedite response times in emergencies.
  • nasdonline.org
    The National Ag Safety Database (NASD) provides national agricultural safety and health resources contributed by safety professionals and organizations from across the nation.
  • SaferFarm
    A hazard analysis tool recommending abatement of common farm hazards.